
Discussion in 'General' started by Chronic420, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Hey there everyone, been awhile sense I posted here but I Had to post this.
    At the moment im still in shock from what happend earlier today, now ill explain while listn too Tom Petty-Roll another Joint"

    about 6:00 somewhere around there im chillin in my room with two of my best friends ones sittin right across from me braken up a blunt i got my bong and pipe out for Some Odd Reason my curtans were up and the windows were open, so were all just sitting here chilln listn too music , and all of a sudden...

    A Cop Walks up to my window Says Hey Guys then notice's all the parifenalia i had about 5 bongs out in the open *wich i have gotten rid of now* but he only saw two i dont see how he didnt see everything he didnt even see my friend sittin right infront of the window braken the weed up, so the Cop said just sit down and dont move ill be right back went and starte'd talkin to my Rent outside with her sister i jump up hide all the other bongs he didnt see I didnt dare touch the ones he allready saw run to my bros room tell him too put all hes stuff away and then went and told my dad i was about to get arrested... i then walk'd outside and the cop told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back...at this point im thinking ...stay calm things will be allright...he tells me im goin to jail for a over nighter... puts me in the back seat and reads me my rights... I must say people..Ive never been so scared in my life its a mirriacle he didnt charge my friends too i took all the blame..
    after sitting in hes car and listn too music on the radio trying to stay as calm as I could he comes back makes me tell him all my information and pulls my record up wich before now has been clean, he notices this and says Well....

    the longest pause in my life...
    sense you've never been arrested before Ill...Let you off on a ticket and a court date...at this point i did tear up just a little i was allready preparing myself for jail and then he just comes out of nowhere and says this...he let me out got my finger prints and told me too clean my act up...tellin me it will lead too all the other stuff crack ect...i aggred ofcourse at the time but 5 minutes after he let me go i had shots poor'd for me and a blunt rollin...
    tonight has been pretty crazy and the whole reason the cop came over is from my Aunt she has a problem with another one of my Aunts boyfriend so she calld the police after him knowing i smoke my family was so mad at her dad askd if i was and i told him no the rest of my family is allready mad enough... well thats about it I have a court date in 10 days if not they come lookn for me all in all i lose two peices..but I consider my self lucky i was much more worried about my mom being sad and all than myself actually goin too jail.. so im happy i didnt have too...i totally cleand out my room bottl's pipes ect... and will probly quit for awhile atleast pass tonight/tomorrow.. lol
    hopefully it will get thrown out..but who knows i may get that A hole judge and give me 6 months probation...god that will suck ..but ..i still consider me self lucky... thats it...im still so shook up from this happining...
  2. damn dude, that sucks sooo much

    i also recently got caught but i do not think anything major is going to happen

    cheers to luckiness :bongin:
  3. thanks man hope you get the same luck :rolleyes:
  4. damn thats gotta suck dick baddd, well i hope your lucky and get a kickass judge
  5. So bad, but so good. At least you aren't going to a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for the night. Good luck, you'll prolly get a fine and then be on your merry way.
  6. how does a cop just happen to walk up to your room window?
  7. Somebody needs an ass beatin.
  8. damn, thats shitty. I'd be pissed as hell at the individual that called the po.

    Well in the future, close your blinds. Mine are always shut. I dont need any bored neighbors peepin my personal life and blowin up my spot. You just never know... ya know?

    good luck. First offense, depending on your area, its a fine and some classes. Depending on the judge, you might get a suspended lisence and some unsupervised probation, but thats doubtful. Just stay clean through it so you dont get into any more shit.
  9. Wow....u Were Sitting In Your Damn House.....that Cannot Be Legal
  10. 1. The song is called "You dont know how it feels"

    2. How can he just pop into your house window? isn't that like againist the law. I know someone called the police but dont they have to knock on the door. Well that sucks atleast they didn't take your blunt and your bongs.
  11. what the hell was that popo doing on your lawn/property? any evidence seized from an unlawful search can be dismissed from any case, i'm quite sure of it.
  12. If he was called out to visit the house he has the right to look around, if it was granted by the rents, but it's cool that nothing really bad happened to you, though... that was pretty intense just reading it, I couldn't imagine actually going through it... congrats on getting off though.. + rep for the close call!

    ~ Terpsichore
  13. the window was also open and 2 of the bongs were in plain sight so he didnt search anything dont go getting all "this is bullshit he didnt have the right to search" because he really didnt search... if he had wanted to he could have turned the whole house upside down for reasonable belief. you played it right and he wasnt a dick. i will say that i dont like the cops but they are just doing their job. and most do believe all that anti-weed bullshit the govt feeds them.
  14. thats sucks, but from what you said it sounds like you got off easier than you could of so thats good...+rep though for taking the blame for your friends, that was an honorable move. i really respect that....

    hopefully you get a reasonable judge...
  15. FYI... You don't go to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for one night. He would go to his local jail, probably be in there with a few drunks and get out in the morning. You don't go to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison until after you have been to court and have been sentenced, and even then it has to be a felony.
  16. He can look around the yard but he has to have permission to look inside the house.
  17. Seen acouple people ask "how did he just walk up too your window"
    I have two aunts one is mad at the other's boyfriend the one who is mad Also is Bypolar...yes I Hate her so much she calld the police on the other aunts bf.. the cops were talking outside too my mom about it and he said he smell'd it and walkd up too the window atfirst I thought it was one of my friends but..it wasnt.. he quickly saw the bong and pipe told me too hand him them and come outside... windows were up cause my room gets hot as hell,
    but still if any one has some kind of info about Invasion of privacy or some law like that , I said that too him and he said well ive got a problem with this* lol bastard... it went pretty well compare'd too how it could have went...
  18. he doesnt need permission to look in the window. its not a search its not like hes going through your stuff if its where anybody can look he is allowed to look
  19. ^^^looking through a window is usually known as a peeping tom, and people get arrested for that
  20. not if you can see into the window from the street.

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