read this and be skinny

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by budisour, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. life is all about how good we feel, right? everything we ever do as humans is essentially to become happier. so think about this. you have the munchies and you really want to eat a caramel donut because they are limited at dunkin donuts and they are so good. but, you know in your head that, as soon as you bite into that donuts that you're gonna feel so much pleasure and joy because it tastes so amazing, but when you're done eating it, it's gone. you now have all those simple carbs and chemicals in your body and the pleasure is gone. it's never coming back unless you indulge again and eat another one. but, instead, if you chose to not eat the donut and simply do something else, that pleasure is there for as long as you decide to think about how you didn't eat that donut. therefore letting you be 'happier.' :smoke:
  2. or you could just use the law of attraction and eat whatever the hell you want with LOVE and as long as you do that anything you eat will not have bad effects on your body.

  3. i hate when people mindfuck my mindfucks lol
  4. I've actually been kinda doing that lately. I have an over-eating disorder where if I get started on something, I will seriously fill my body with food until I'm sick and pass out in a digestive coma. I'll say stuff like that in my head to hold back on giving into a binge.
  5. Yeah man that's the exact mindset I had when I first started dieting in 01...

    If you like a food because of the taste, you like it for that moment. That moment makes you happy.
    But are you going to be happy an hour from then? A day? A week? A year? Or are you going to be happier if you are in shape today because you chose not to eat it in the past?

    We share the same exact mentality dood.

    We eat to live, not live to eat. Eat for function, you'll get more pleasure from highs outside of food if you do :)
  6. Or you could learn how to manipulate your caloric needs so you can indulge a few times week and not feel bad about it.
  7. #7 philevans1992, Aug 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    This, except there really no manipulation involved, just simple moderation :/

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