Re: China Earthquake caused by HAARP weapon

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by g0pher, May 25, 2008.

  1. Ah, the only valid source you cite me will only help me further dismantle this argument.

    Alright, to begin with this article does not even give any details when it mentioned "electrically charged particles". Are these particles positive or negatively charged? what kind of particles? how do they interact with geological formations? what does this have to do with an earthquake?

    furthermore, It does not even describe the relevancy when compared to regular ionospheric density fluctuation.

    And now for the best part: the Formosa-3 Satellite is part of a larger network called the Low Latitude Ionospheric Tomographic Network. This is strikingly similar to the HAARP array. Strange that Ockham's Razor doesn't come into effect here either.

    Everything is possible, most things are just incredibly implausible.

    You actually want to invoke this as a source? Okay.

    Abundant Hope, a evangelical Christian organization dedicated to religious biases and zealous fervor. A brief overview of their "Goals and Objectives" will be evidence enough for that.

    They have recommended reading for new readers, some of the article titles include:

    They clearly have no interest in evidence or critical thinking. Moving on, the actual article you sourced me include such amazing quotes as:

    • "Also, HAARP and the other program (CERN) Sorcha talks about are kept under control by star fleet"
    • "I would think that electromagnet activity could affect them, but I have no idea."

    Any yet, there remains no evidence of the claim either.

    Oh and the ORIGINAL author was a person named Sorchal Faal, a writer from "" a website all about reptilian human aliens, dragons, various conspiracy theory and biblical literacy and Christian mysticism.

    So please, don't give me a source like that again. It's really a waste of my time.

    Yours Truly,
  2. "Dismantle this argument"? I wasn't aware you were arguing, really :laughing:. I'm not one to argue Sam_Spade, especially not on a forum. I believe everything, anything and utter nothingness are all possible.

    I was just throwing random Googled sites in your direction, and you did well in "dismantling" them ;). Mahalo (Hawaiian for "thank you").

  3. You really are new here :D

    You almost have to get used to it, the references to various far out websites that promote far out ideas. Just wait till you lock horns with a creationist... :smoking:
  4. hey guys
    still in beijing
    gradding in the winter
    that vid is blocked in china
    but imma use viroxi to check it out
    i always thought it wasnt a natural disaster
  5. cant open it
    i would not dismiss the theory altogether because of one bad source
  6. Greetings again,

    I've done it before, simply been on a long hiatus, pretending it doesn't really happen and there aren't people who actually believe these things. Sort of a survival mechanism.

    hurryupandwait: I agree that a concept shouldn't be totally dismissed based upon one bad source. Although if there is a concept that has an incredibly bad source, no apparent evidence of any kind, and has a foundation that's wrapped up in flamboyant conspiracy tales... then yes, I will tentatively dismiss it.

    Yours Truly,

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