
Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by wanalearn, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. hey everyone after having grown in rails...hempy buckets.. i wana give rdwc a try m debating on what to use totes or 5 gallon buckets... they will be under 2000 watt hps and 1 600 watt hps... with vented hoods.. how many totes or 5 gallon buckets would you place under each light? my celing height is 7 foot how long of a veg am i looking at from clone to flower? ive got some exous cheese and some c99 moms im gonna take cuts from soon as i empty out my flower room.. my room is 15x9 with a porable ac dehumidfer... i wana try and harvest a few weeks apart 1 batch going in and one being cut... was thinking about switching to a nice indica strain also that wontget to tall or strech during flower anyone know a good strain that works good for this type of setup?
  2. Tanks!

    Go to the website and look at TAMCO tanks.

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