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Rate this ounce of dank I just picked up

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Walter Cronkite, Jun 4, 2011.

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  1. #1 Walter Cronkite, Jun 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2011
  2. Dank, lol..what did you pay for that

  3. It looks old, and squished, ughhhh 2/10 maybe more depending on how much you paid..
  4. I just crumbled some up to put on a pizza I'm about to eat, and my fingers are a bit sticky
  5. Why would you put it on a pizza? o_O
  6. For dank 0/10

    for mids 10/10

    10 being the best.

    looks pressed, major fan leaves still left and lots o sticks

    in NYC that would cost 100 dollars retail.

    will it get you BLASTED. yes it looks like it will
  7. i wouldnt mind paying $40/o for that
  8. No you didn't! Fo' real? You paid $320 for that? :confused:
  9. Not trying to hate on your bud, but that looks alot like mid.....from mexico....shipped in brick form. Have a good smoke though.
  10. Pretty bad deal. Your dealer played you @ that price.
  11. Please look at your avatar, I'm doing that right now. :rolleyes:
  12. Ouch... $320 for some bricked mid :(

  13. To get high? edibles, bro. Sprinkling it on some Domino's now :yummy:

  14. omg. i think you should move away from tinsel town lmfao.

  15. $320....they got you with no lube bro.
  16. #17 GodGaveUsWeed, Jun 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That's not going to get you high.
  17. move away from tinsel town
  18. dude that brick weed not dank man
  19. Enjoy making your pizza taste like shit for no reason.
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