Rat problem

Discussion in 'General' started by Greenland42, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. It has become winter like where I am and just the other night I here movement behind my wall and I think there is a nest. The bastard must have come through the crawl space and created a nest in a wall thats basically impossible to get to unless you cut into the wall...

    So I was thinking of drilling a small hole where the guys nest is then I would sedate the rat by pumping a gram or so of vaporized bho into the nest with my vaporizor on high and modified tubing. as the rat is sedated I then can screw off the light socket and place some traps right next to the nest. This rat will have no idea whats going on.
  2. Dam idk about that. Drilling a hole could make it worse unless you poison everything and seal where it crawled thru, then seal the whole. I usually have a spider problem during summer time and have to use duct tape to seal holes haha.
  3. #3 Greenland42, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2013
    Im pretty dam sure it just arrived this weekend because when I was moving shit into storage the door was left open by some one and I got hella pissed because I was worried about rats lol now its living in my wall god damit. It sounds like its huge and I have seen rats the size of small cats around here. Im worried its going to fall through the ceiling when it runs across.

    I was hella stoned a few months back and thought there was a small dog coming towards me one night and it was a fucking huge rat. A month prior I woke to a lady screaming because there was a rat she said it was like a small dog to some one on the street.
  4. Rats adapt to anything and everything. IMO, you'd just be wasting bud. The only way to kill them without touching them is to feed them something they can't digest. But then they die and stink inside the wall. You're gonna have to use traps to get them and dispose of them. They know where they made a hole and like to return to that hole. Once you get a handle on the situation, you can stuff a wad of steel wool to plug the hole. But if the house remains infested, they will just make new holes.
    Also, it really pays to be clean. A mere spec of splattered cooking oil will draw them for dinner. They are scavengers and can survive on practically nothing when need be.
  5. Reminds me of that weeds scene where Andy and Doug get baked and try to hunt the mouse in the wall lmao.
  6. #6 Judgement, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2013
    Honestly, rats are smarter than us lol.. They came in here last winter too and defeated every trap I bought, they even hid a few traps after setting them off and eating the food. You put a trap down and they can smell you on the trap and they avoid new objects that weren't there before too. Your best choice is to get some rat poison, they will bring it to their food stashes and kill their whole damn family. You can put traps out too once you got the poison out because they'll become confused once they are poisoned and walk right into the traps.
    Good luck and kill them quick because before you know it 2 rats will turn into a dozen rats.
  7. Rat in the kitchen 
  8. Set out some peanutbutter and gain his trust. Once you've built up his trust enough and he aproaches you without fear crush his little bastard skull with a fucking claw hammer. Bonus points if you do it infront of his rat family.
  9. #10 Greenland42, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2013
    Should I handle it my self or tell my landlord though because I am really damn confused on how to get this guy and it sounds like a big ass rat and I think its to fat to get any where because I think it may be stuck in the crawl space and there is a hole right next to the area where the rat is that goes outside. It keeps me up at night when it's scatching and draging shit across the wall.

    It would be easiest to shoot a nail gun at the wall when I hear the scratching but im not sure if thats the best option.

    Poison and traps sound like a good idea I just don't want one of them dieing in my wall or some random space thats near imposible to get to unless you break though wall, or you have no idea where it is so it stinks the house up.
  10. #11 Judgement, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2013
    don't know what all the effects are of the homemade poison is but if it doesn't dry out the rats system like commercial poisons do, the ones who die out of sight gonna end up with some stinking dead rats in your walls
  11. #12 Greenland42, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2013
    Thanks for the info im trying to not use toxic chemicals the dry ice one sounds interesting and good for my situation. Getting the dry ice into the wall and getting the rats out of the wall is going to be the hard part. There is no way for me to get back there unless I cut a hole in the wall. Im pretty damn sure the rat has been working on getting through the wall but hasn't yet need to beat him to it before I know it all my dro will be getting dragged into his house and I will be left empty handed.

    I think I may gas them with the vape or blunt them in before I cut into the wall. not trying to have them running out into my room.
  12. Forget about poison, weed, owls, traps, nail guns, etc.  Get an exterminator.  
  13. I can't believe no one has noticed how ridiculous it sounds to try to sedate a rat by just vaping a bunch of bud into the craw space.

    Creative tho.
  14. The vapes fuck up rats my friend blew vapor into his mouses house and it would get boxed with volcano vapor. The first time we did it my friend thought that the mouse would not be affected and my friend was trying to prove me wrong and the mouse was passed for 6 hours. We got worried then he started to move around get water and we fed him a bunch of snacks and he was running around the cage in no time. From then on out he would always go to the top of his cage to get to the vapor and try to get smoked out.
  15. get a cat. a larger cat. female. not spayed. and dont feed it for 2 days. leave it in your house for 3 days with a big clean litter box and you should be clear. my old friend had a cat with no tail. most excellent rat catcher. she caught a massive bullfrog once ate it back legs first. i never knew bullfrogs could scream...

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