Rapping stoned

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MingusMan, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. I know every word to 'Express Yourself' by N.W.A but only when I'm stoned... Is this normal?! Haha
  2. Nah weed is known to give a brother brain damage. And brain damage on the mic dont manage nothin
  3. I don't like rapping while stoned. When I'm stoned I move a little slower so it's easier for them to get away :eek:
  4. Yeah I know but I can still rap normally to that one song
  5. I spit dope lines when I'm high. It's like the bud pulls the shackles off my mind lol
  6. yea tbh i dont really listen to alot of music around the house unless im stoned. and when i am stoned, boy man im just so into it. I even want to spit freestyles like crazy
  7. I can spit dope freestyles when I'm high, it's like my mind is picking out words to flow entirely without messing up.
  8. Anybody wanna fuckin' battle or what
  9. I like to write stoned an spit sober, but I'm not very serious about it anyway.

    Is anyone actually serious with their rap game on here?
  10. No I just do it when I'm bored or high
  11. damn, thought this thread was raping stoned
  12. one time i got stoned and spoke words that none other than zeus can bless a man with upon hearing
  13. I rap all the time, whether stoned or sober.

  14. Im trying to be. i got a decent paying job and I'm buying some equipment soon. A few of my friends rap too, we're trying to make a mixtape or a demo tape.
  15. i tried to write a rap while stoned last night it was 1 sentence and it took me like an hour to write it.
  16. This..
    My mouth spits faster than I can comprehend.
    Gotta crazy flow too, shits never gonna end.
    I'm never gonna a break, never gonna bend.
    I just typed this shit and hit "send".

  17. [quote name='"Tokeandontchoke"']

    My mouth spits faster than I can comprehend.
    Gotta crazy flow too, shits never gonna end.
    I'm never gonna a break, never gonna bend.
    I just typed this shit and hit "send".


    So mlg

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