[Rant] Rewarding Mediocrity

Discussion in 'General' started by DeathMadeTangible, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. I don't know why I try so fucking hard at work, when I get absolutely nothing back.
    Just found out that this corporate-sponsored event (I was really hoping to attend) which has 2 seats open was awarded to two people: both of which I consider friends. One of them definitely deserves the seat. The other one, not at all.
    He half-asses his work, comes in to work stoned all the time, has been working there for almost 6 months and 5.5 of those months he's been slacking and overall mediocre. His work quality is average, and he turns deliverables in late, he misses some assignments completely.
    I hate feeling entitled or like I deserve something, but in all seriousness, I work my ass off at this job daily, have literally NEVER slacked off or produced sub-par work. I participate in the community, assist everyone, and go above and beyond to do MORE work than I have to.
    I feel disillusioned, demotivated and frankly I'm upset. u mad? Yes, I am.
    I feel like working hard is such a colossal waste of time when low/mid-tier performers are rewarded. It's bullshit.

  2. having fun yet?
  3. thats how life works. friends help friends.
  4. put him on blast then dude. don't look at your neighbors success and be envious. be pleased with your own hard work and good job.
  5. Sounds like we have to same job
  6. Dust yourself off and hit it again.
  7. Tell yo boss u deserve a seat. Not us.

    Sent from my U670C using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Oh yeah? Well good chance I may be losing my job cuz I did too good. Consider yourself lucky.

    'Too blessed to be stressed'

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