*rant mode* Long read

Discussion in 'General' started by POTSTYLZ, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. God I fucking hate people in general. The woman that I had asked to marry me, stood me up. I proposed in vegas, on our vacation, she said yes. I had to come home last saturday, due to work commitments. So her plane is coming in a few days later. I am at the airport, waiting for her when I get the call. I know the familiar ring tone, its her, I thought telling me she was there. instead this is the conversation.

    Her: are you at the airport already?
    me: yes, my love of course
    Her: damn, well im not on the plane, im still in las vegas
    me: im sure you can catch another plane in a few hours love, no problem I can wait here.
    Her: im not coming, i dont want that life goodbye.

    She wont answer my calls, or even speak to me. I can handle being dumped, but thats just cold, and childish. The thing that really pisses me off is, she asked me for this. she told me she wanted to get married. I spent the last 4 days locked in my home, hating myself. today is day 5, im so much sad anymore as I am pissed off now. but still I cant get her out of my head. it rained today, and she loved the rain. Im not sleeping, because im really not use to sleeping alone. I dont know man, im just feeling pretty shitty about the whole thing. And as pissed off as I am with her, I still just want her to be happy. That gets me angry at myself. She totally dogged me, and all I care about is her being happy. I actually hit someone for calling her a bitch after the whole ordeal. I havent got any answers from her, just the cold shoulder. What made it worse, though is all the people that are supposed to be my friends, didnt even call to make sure I was alright. Actually the only person that gave a damn, is someone I really didnt expect to care. She has been an angel of mercy to me. She had called me right after the whole thing to tell me about a crib that was on sale, and wanted to pick it up for me while she was there, I told her about what happened. She spent 3 days talking with me. I really didnt expect her to care, but it turns out she is a genuine good person (you all know thats a rare quality now a days). She made me relize I did nothing to her to deserve being treated like that. I took her in when she needed someone, I raised a child that was not mine, like it was, and I loved her more fiercly than any man has ever loved a woman. I never yelled at her, and never hit her. When her Ex beat her up over the baby, I beat him down. I was nothing but a good man to her, and I just dont understand why she would want to fuck me up like that. I mean the only thing I cared about was her and the baby, it was my drive to succeed. now I dont really have that drive, and im afraid iv lost the spark I need to stay ahead ofthe game. The last week has been really really hard for me. I spend most of my time in the babies room, the old crib looks so empty. I dont like coming home at night, to an empty house, I miss the child. I miss her. its been a total nightmare, and now the reality of it, is hitting me pretty hard. I didnt know I was capable of loving anyone like I loved them, and that scares me to death. I fear, no one will ever see me, like she did. you guys dont have to respond if you dont want to, I had just had to get the shit off my chest.
  2. I feel for you and I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Hopefully, she will give you the chance to share your true feelings with her and hear her side of the story. If not though, life goes on - just keep an open mind and try to stay positive.
  3. im really, really sorry bro. it sounds like you were incredible to her and she didnt care. but maybe she did i have no clue.
  4. That does really suck man, but im sure if you keep your head up and think positive, everything will come together in the end.;)
  5. positivity will certainly help the situation, however i can't even imagine what this would be like. someone wanted to marry you, you asking them to marry you, and then just totally.. disconnected.. that's completely lame man i know you still care about her but someone who would shit on you like that... i'd wanna kill em personally.
  6. Im sorry if i come off as immature but..
    What a cunt. Thats a pathetic thing to do to someone. Especially taking the kid.
    Since she did that to you, you probably dodged a bullet by not marrying her, something worse could have happened.

    I wish you luck
  7. the really really fucked up part, is that no matter how angry I get with her. I love her more. I cant get passed it. I keep trying, but everywhere I turn I find something to remind me of her. its killing me. I really thought I knew her, and now I dont.
  8. I had my 1st wife leave me in one city while she secretly moved to another, and took my daughter with her. When I found out what she had done, I thought I would kill myself. But instead, I got two jobs, and started working to distract myself, thinking that if i could somehow impress her, she would come back to me. While I was trying to win her back, I found my true soul-mate, a woman with whom I have since married. (after divorcing the other, crueler wife). I also got full custody of my daughter! I hope that you can find something to latch onto, and hold your head up. You are going to get over this thing, and when you do, don't be surprised at how much better you will feel. Kharma has a way of settling scores that you don't deserve.
  9. That could be a movie, it has a happy ending and everything!

    POTSTYLZ, all I can say is not to regret anything. She's a life lesson and you will never forget her. You will find someone better, much nicer to replace her. It sounds ridiculous, but it will happen, Kharma (as Medicine Al said), will find and help your sorrows. Just give it time.
  10. All I can say is I'm sorry you had to go through something soo shitty, I wisht that ppl woudnt be so cruel but some can be, but there are other good ppl out there and you experienced that already wiht the firend who talked to ya.

    As Medicine Al said, let Karma do its work.
  11. I think you may need to contact child services about this and see if anything can be done. I can't imagine they would declare her fit to take care of a kid after doing something like that, especially considering that she stayed behind in Vegas of all places. I know the implications of that probably just make this hurt worse, but the child could be in danger to some degree, making that a major priority.
  12. even if I did call social services it doesnt solve anything. 2 wrongs dont make a right. I would rather amirah (the baby) be with her than the real father anyway. The real father is dangerous, and I would rather die than know she is with him. Im trying to survive this whole thing. My heart is broken, and for a while I didnt know that I wanted to carry on. I cant picture a future without her. I know thats just the hurt talking, but still it just seemed so right.

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