Racial Makeup of Grasscity.

Discussion in 'General' started by Emo Steve, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. Can you people stop saying "Yeah I'm white but I'm part Irish, German, Scottish, Polish!"
    That makes no sense, you can only be the product of two fucking origins.
    From your mother and father.

    If you want to start listing off where your ancestors came from you might as well say you're 1/1 African since that's where your ancestors originated from.
  2. Yea, and considering my parents aren't 100% anything that makes me a mixture of several thigns. Thus I listed the major componentes of my heritage. I don't understand why this is a problem for you.
  3. Why can't I vote übermensch?
  4. :eek: HAHA!!!
  5. dude your still white in color, I'm german and my skin color is white lol. Everyone is alive thats what matters, not the color of your skin
  6. "Caucasian" is such a strange term... It has a particular meaning (the Caucasus Mountains and surrounding lowlands, such as the area between Turkey & Russia), and should not be used to refer to all people of European background. It's somewhat like referring to all Spanish-speaking people as "Mexicans".

    That being said, my background is mostly German & Polish, though my family has been American for several generations now.
  8. Who cares.. a lot of people aren't even 100% one color
  9. Even if that whole thing about Africa is true and whatever, it was so long ago I'm not related to just anyone, in fact I have zero features that would make me look black. Everyone's different, and yes you can have more than 2 origins, not everyone is gunna be 100% anything.
  10. Incorrect, I am 100% human, and as some have tried to point out, that is all that actually matters. :)
  11. I am white, but sometimes I wish I was a cooler color, like orange or green. Not just regular green, but a neon green, and when my skin was hit with UV light, I would turn different shades of green. This way, I could hide against neon green walls, like a chameleon. Idk, just thought that would be cool!

    And I don't understand why race is such a touchy fucking subject. Like, I don't know, I can't really explain myself as well as I would like, but just fucking why. Like, why is being a different race, discussing different races, and everything else considered so bad. All you ever hear about is how we should have diversity, yet how is that possible if the VERY foundation of diveresity (differences) is considered such a forbidden thing.

    I'm not going to list any names, but the GCRP Officer (Grass City Racism Police) douche bag who thinks he is making the world a better place by having a bitch fit when someone simply asks "Are you white, black, or asian" needs to take a chill pill (Xanax works nicely), get off his high horse and just go away. People are different, people of different races are different. I call my one friend Asian Mike because he is asian. I point him out for being Asian. Why? Because he is asian.

  12. Amen, and +rep. People really need to chill. What happens is someone will ask " Why does it matter, are you racist... Blah blah fuckity blah" And people start making assumptions. People shouldn't have ANY problems talking about anything, it's just that many will over react to things considered " Taboo".

    Stupid liberalists. ( Just kidding, please don't hurt me!)
  13. Why is it considered bad? I do not know that it is, but I do considered it stupid. I do not know why people have to focus so much on silly little cosmetic differences as if they matter at all, when they do not. It is not the discussion that is bad, it is the focus on a non-issue. All this be-proud-of-where-you-come-from nonsense, is just that, nonsense, and seriously hinders our ability to move on and live in a world where people do not look at the colour of ones skin as anything more than the colour of ones hair or eyes. All we ever hear is that we should have diversity, you do not get that because people are different colours, you get that because people are individuals with their own views and ideas, that is diversity. If we focus on things that make us different, and some people feel colour makes us very different, than that is all we will see, difference. Humans do not respond well to differences. Instead of focusing on "I am white" and "I am black" we should focus on "I am human, and we are all part of the human race".

    Why do we not start comparing our blood types and how those make us different from one another? We are all the same, our differences are opinions, and that is all.
  14. Exactly, it's not such a touchy subject. But what difference does race make on the fuckin internet? It's not about racism, it's about comparing our skin color, what the fuck is the point?
  15. BROWN is beautiful :devious:
  16. im suprised theres not even 10 latinos on here. Look at the whites lol dam. Sall good cuz if we could we would have a big sesh =P. Fumando mota por mi hente <3333 haha
  17. Im sure theres many more, Alot of people aient voting, Like myself.
  18. 100% human, but we're still about 98% chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in a genetic sense. Interesting how that works...
  19. 'übermensch' ;) here thinks it's because people has the instinctive need for grouping individuals.
    Them and us.

    Regardless of what traits we use to group each other with, our group will be better (in one way) then the other group(s).

    If you are in the three legged people group, you might find two legged people slow or awefully symmetrical when moving.

    If you are in the badass gangster group, you might find respectable citizens weak pussies then won't stand up for themselves.

    You can even see it in sports, if you support the red team for whatever reason the blue team sucks ass and should lose in any game.
    Question is : why is the red team your favorite?
    Because they have something you can relate to.

    We tend to focuse on things that can make us feel better (about ourselves) and we'd like to group each other with that focus in mind.

    People are obviously different from one and other, so we like teaming up with those who are most alike. This can have practical benefits.

    Think for a moment about something as simple as food here.
    I cannot digest rice.
    This is because my ancestors all lived in the swamps of Europe where rice does not grow natively.
    Same thing with red beans, non-existent in ancient Europe.
    These things have no nutritional value for my body.
    But I can digest cowmilk real well, something that some Africans and Asians have trouble with.
    If I were to team up with an all asian/african team and eat their foods I'd end up sick.

    Hence, the reason for our instinctive nature for us to group people may be our wellbeing, either physical or mental.

    Doesn't mean that the other team is inferior or something silly like that.
    It just means our team suits our needs best.

    Does this make sense to anyone?

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