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Qwiso evaporation question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by seatowntoke, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. When I evaporate qwiso how badly does it smell of weed? I live in a dorm with no kitchen to boil water so I can't really do that to make it go any faster so air dry is my only option. This is tough because I can't have it stink up my dorm (alcohol smell is fine). Help?
  2. In my experience the alcohol smell will be so overpowering you will not smell and marijuana. Make sure you have very good ventilation, I suggest fans and open windows.
  3. Thanks! Also one more question, if I was able to do a warm water bath would it lower the quality? I've heard that it does but have never seen a side by side comparison
  4. I'm pretty sure that boiling off the alcohol purges your product resulting in a higher quality.
  5. how much dank is in your iso? for the most part is should just reek like alcohol unless you put A LOT of bud in there. I wouldnt really worry about it too much, just get that evap hurried up so you can smoke that hash and stop worry'n :bongin:
  6. I haven't done the wash yet, but I plan on doing a half oz of buds. That is why I'm afraid, because you need to leave it in open air and I can't have it smelling up the whole dorm hall haha
  7. it'll starts to smell more as the alcohol evaporates
  8. you can do a warm water bath, it will be fine, just dont use boiling water...

    you are going to want to be careful in a dorm though.... with it air evaporating its going to stink of iso in the dorm for a long while... i would recommend keeping it ventilated and not being in the apartment a lot of the time.... you will inhale those fumes haha

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