quote this, biatch!

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Thatguythatgrows, Oct 7, 2011.

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  1. have searched, and was unable to find this asked, but.... is there a way to add a feature that would allow me to be informed when i am quoted? i don't know anything about computer code. this may be a difficult task and i am sure this has been discussed and shot down for whatever reason, but call it the same thing when you can't stop picking at a scab.... i just have to ask.
    and so do u
  2. It has been asked before, yes :p

    Gnik our tech admin has said that for such a feature to be implemented here on the forums, it would take a huge amount of data(or whatever) to get it to work. And that would mean the forums would slow down x10.

    We are expecting a server update in the near future. So for now I guess we need to wait for that and see what happens.
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