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Quitting cigarettes.. Marijuana help you?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 4Footer, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. I'm trying to quit cigarettes, I've been smoking for about three years now but a couple of months ago I gave up buying packs mainly because I realized how expensive of a habbit it really it, too much to pay for when you smoke as much weed as I do as well ;) so expenses really add up.. I hate being broke, and I know I speak for millions when I say that.. but I'm finding it hard to quit when all my friends smoke and I'm getting a couple smokes here and there every day, which isnt really good.. but same days, at home I'll just smoke weed all day and not crave a smoke.. I guess it isnt until I witness someone else smoking, then I begin to crave.. :smoking::smoking:

    Fuck im high, haha happy toking guys :)
  2. do you like working out? i do very much so what i did when i quit xanax and other pills i would go out for a run every time i had a worked for me. good luck
  3. Oh yeah, that helps.. anytime I get a little pissed off, weather I'm burnt out or not I'll pump a couple 16's, which I know isnt much but after an hour of doing it you feel alot better.. especially when you high right after your done, feels great :)
  4. I smoked for 10 years, pack a day. I quit with the help of real crappy schwag rolled up in joints. I used to literally have about 40 joints on hand at all time. I also started dipping mouth tobacco, which helped me greatly with nicotine cravings. And don't drink, alcohol makes you crave tobacco hard.
  5. Yah I cant even talk when it comes to people like you, (no offense at all) but you know the actual addiction of nicotine because youve been smoking for a hell of a lot longer. Take my dad for example, started at the age of 14, hes now 52 and still smoking.
  6. i used to smoke like four or five cigs a day and then i decided that it was time to quit. smoking weed (a good bit of weed) really did help me because i didn't think about the craving. now i haven't even smoked one in like eight months and i definitely don't feel the craving now even when i'm not smoking pot
  7. Nope. The more I toke, the smore I smoke. And the smore I smoke, the more I toke.
  8. You should have no problem quitting then. =-D Just have willpower. Don't buy a pack, and don't bum them from friends. Don't ask for "shorts" on people's cigarettes, and once you get past a week of no smoking, you're on easy street. Quit while you can, it'll just get harder as the years go by.
  9. i do not recommend packing dip it is easier to become addicted to. i hate ciggarettes but i like dippin i like it so much i do it in a lot of my classes into water bottles and got susspended for getting caught but i still do it i even did it while running in gym class haha
  10. At this point, I'm down to bumming only when drunk. The best thing would be to see if you can get the people you hang out with to not smoke around you. If that isn't possible, I'd recommend lifting/running. After I get done running I feel amazing. Not to mention a cig after that kinda ruins the benefits you get for your lungs. And if all else fails, spark up.:smoking:
  11. smoke joints youll be over cigs anyday now
  12. I've got 17 days without cigs under my belt, keep fighting the urge, man. I just quit cold turkey, which was a bitch. Especially since a lot of my friends smoke.
  13. tell your friends not to give you ciggs. If you have nobody to bum from how will you smoke?
  14. I chewed tobacco for four years in highschool. 1 tin a day. Tried to quit dozens of times and could never do it. I started smoking weed senior year, and whenever I craved a dip, I would just smoke and get high. Now I no longer dip, but smoke daily lol
  15. Good luck quitting, I have had many friends try and some quit and are much healthier and happier.
  16. You and me both.
  17. the only thing that got me quit cigs was a really bad acid trip.
  18. good luck bro, it's a disgusting habit
  19. care to explain?

    im in the process of quitting myself and pot does help me not smoke cigs.
    i have only had 1 cigarette all day -- im so proud! :hello:
    although i have smoked a few bowls.. :eek:
  20. I've been trying to quit but working as a cook gets you stressed out so the quitting hasn't been going so well. Bud doesn't help me either because it's just a habit for me to smoke a cigarette right after a bowl. Just like right now I smoked a bowl and I'm craving a cigarette. It sucks but I've been doing it for a couple years and it's hard to break a habit like that.

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