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Quit Regular Use and Experiencing Dull Pain in Liver Area

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by BROSEIDON55, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Hey all, this is my first time on any forum but I wanted to reach out to the community for some opinion(s). I quit smoking about a week and a half ago after about a year and a half of 1-2 Gs a day. The quitting is totally fine (i did it on my own terms so no stress or anxiety) but after the second day I started to experience some dull sensations in my Liver area as well as I had a very pale stool for 3-4 days (tmi but this is caused by a lack of bile from the gallbladder and liver). I tried to stick to the Indica and CBD strands while smoking and I know that a lot of articles suggest that it can have protective and healing qualities on the liver and Gallbladder. So, I am wondering, would quitting smoking inhibit the production of Bile and cause some liver feelings or issues? If smoking protects, would I feel that protectiveness going away? I don't have Hep C, or any pre-existing liver conditions. However, I did loose weight over the past year (about 60 pounds) and I have lived an incredibly healthy lifestyle for the past 7.5 months
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  2. Get some blood work done. I ended up having a hormonal imbalance, I felt as if entire organs were shutting down or going numb, I would have just gone on thinking that was life. Many doctors missed it in my case.

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  3. Thanks Mook, I am actually working towards doing that this week anyways so it kind of works out.
  4. I dislike doctors, mostly so it pains me to recommend seeing one to another... but also I might add, boy have I given them lots of my money... in the pursuit of some answers, then eventually just any improvement! I have Lyme disease btw, possibly other co-infections as well and if that is what it is it also went wrongly diagnosed for the better part of my life, unfortunately. I wish I had just become a mother fucking doctor myself. Was treated for bipolar and generalized anxiety, manic depression as a youth, in my very rarified case, all was nonsense. I have now a severely compromised immune system, constant 7-8 pain in my abdomen, scarified liver with no drinking really ever, and this is after 5 months of life ruining expense draining treatment, not covered by the insurance I also pay for monthly as a freelance business owner.

    Oh and check for ticks everyone. They are taking over.

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  5. When I started using cannabis my weight leveled off to healthy proportions too... I lost about 30 to 40 lbs and have kept at that weight for years... supplementing with cannabis boosts your endogenous cannabinoid system ( endocannabinoid system -ECS) and makes it run @ optimal functioning.... if you are not adding the active forms of the phyto-cannabinoids (smoking vaping etc)into your ECS you will need to up your diet to include lots of omega three to give your ECS plenty of convert able EFA to make arachadonic acid from... our endocannabinoids are synthesized on demand from omega three fats and if you do not feed on thsoe they are not in your body and your ECS does not function optimally

    lipid metabolism is directly related to the EFA ( essential fatty acids) and it is the fats we do not make in us but require them from diet...

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