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Quick question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dank Sundae, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. It's a hot ass day outside right now. My dads working out on his garden, my little brothers playing ps3, and i'm bored as fuck. And i want to toke. My dad will notice if i'm smoking outside, or just walk. He knows i smoke weed and hates it, so he will be suspicious if i say i'm taking a walk.

    I want to smoke in the bathroom, maybe. There's a vent that works, and a window that opens. Would it smell, and for how long?
  2. assuming you are underage, depending on how old you are, just tell him its your choice and he can deal with it, just don't be an asshole and take a walk with it, not in your room.
  3. Your dad is going probably going to hate the fact even more if you decide to smoke in the bathroom.

    Say your going to meet up with a friend or something man.
  4. Definitely go hang out with someone or say you are and just come back in a few hours. The bathroom will smell long enough to be noticed and the vents lead outside.

    If you really want to smoke in the bathroom make one of those deodorizer things. just a toilet paper tube filled with dryer sheets. and just smoke one hit bowls so nothing escapes and blow through the tube
  5. I know this might be a dumb question, but why smoke if you're going to be around suspicious people? If I did that I'd be full of negative vibes, thinking everyone knew I was high and was suspecting of me. I just wouldn't smoke. If I did in that situation, as soon as I would get back in my room my dad would pop up suddenly feeling social.
    I'd just go hang out with friends. I'd leave a paranoia invested house.
  6. Plan B: Dad took a shower and i'm baked as fuck.

    Happy smoking :smoke:

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