quick help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by kushisfire, May 30, 2009.

  1. OK, so I did my first transplant today from the little solar cups to 3 quart pot. Here's the issue its pouring rain outside so I don't want to keep it out so I brought it inside but I have no lights that I can use indoors.. What should I do? Will it hurt the plant if it doesnt see any light untill tommorow? I don't know what to do and I'm nervous about my plant. Can someone please fill me in.
  2. naw dude its not gunna hurt it.

    it just wont have any growth.

    if it is still raining too hard tomorow, just throw it in the windowsill inside so it can still get some light.
  3. It wasnt going to get light overnight anyway.

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