Quick guide on cloning plants in general (fig tree in this case, with pics)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by iryad, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. #1 iryad, Apr 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2010
    Hello friends,

    I've been avid gardner my whole life, unfortunately I'm still living with my rents, so growing ganja at home is not a possibility for me. :( But I can still grow other great herbs, vegetables, and fruits!

    In this guide I'll show you how to propagate (aka rooting, cloning) a plant. Many different types of plants can easily be propagated. Basil and mint for example are extremely easy to propagate. I've also successfully propagated rose cuttings, fig cuttings, olive tree cuttings, and much much more. One of the greatest things of propagating, is whenever you see a pretty plant in your travels, you can always take a small cutting from it, and clone it. I was at a friends hosue last night and saw this beautiful elephants food bush, and he allowed me to take a few cuttings to start off my own plant.

    Annyyways, here is a quick and easy guide on how to propagate many plants in general.

    1. Take some good cuttings, making sure your pruner or whatever you use is very clean (some plants are more sensitive than others, and require a completely sterile cut). You want to look for bud growths, or areas that roots could potentially grow.

    2. Remove or cut away some of the leafs. The reason for this is because the leafs require a lot of energy to stay alive, and you want to redirect a lot of this needed energy to the root production. Thus reducing the leafs greatly helps this. BUT the leafs are also the main source for photosynthesis, so you need some leafs. With the fig trees in this case, I leave one leaf, and even if it's too big, i'll trim it down a bit.

    3. Submerge the tips in the water. Make sure you put the majority of the stem in the water, the more of it in the more likely you'll have better root growth. If you have superthrive, put single drop in there. If not, according to my experiences you can just drop a pinch of sugar and this also greatly helps. Straight tap water will work just fine though.


    For a lot of plants, you can keep the stems in the water and they will root out directly with just the water. Just be sure to clean out the water every other day to keep it fresh.

    For other plants, it is best to put them in another easily drainable medium, my favorite is perlite, and many plants root in perlite just great. With these fig cuttings, I usually leave them soaking in water for a few days then move them to a perlite medium in individual cups.

    4. Last step, place them in a warm place, with some light, a window sill works great. Each plant roots at it's own pace. From my experiences basil and mint take about 6-8 days to root, fig cuttings take about a month, roses 1-2 months, and olive trees take even longer at about 3 months almost!


    Hope that helps! Keep planting my friends!
  2. Thanks for posting.

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