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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Skreebly, Jul 10, 2002.

  1. i was wondering what was up with this bowl.... ive only used one pipe that wasnt glass and it wasnt anything like this.

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  2. its got like a little knob on top, and i cant see how you pack it
  3. It should unscrew? Does it not?
  4. the top put your bud in the bowl...screw back on the top..and theres alittle hole on the top...You light there and suck...for a few reasons it's like not spill the can also just store a bowl in there and not worry about it fallin out...hope I helped

    peace bladez
  5. yeah,its good at first but unless you clean it regularly the bowl and lid will resinate and it will be hell o get the damn thing off.
  6. thanks, thats pretty cool

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