Question For Those With a Wii

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Ean, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. I recently homebrewed my Wii and have built up a huge game collection. I was taking a break from Skyrim earlier this week and started trying out games that I had never seen before. I really started enjoying the 1st person shooters but I wish I owned a gun attachment.

    Do any of you own one and can give some feed back?

    I've looked at things like the Perfect Shot and the Wii Zapper it just I don't have the chance to actually hold them
  2. My niece has one. It's this one:

    She got it as a gift 'cause it came with that game I guess. The game itself is pretty fun though. The gun thingy works pretty well though. It feels much better than just aiming the remote at the TV and doing it like that

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