Question for the 'older' members of GC.

Discussion in 'General' started by Santeria420, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. Title pretty much sums it up. Was baked the other day and was wondering what do the older generations think of my generation? (I'm 18) What good/bad do you think will come from my generation?
  2. seriously....i think it will be the same as every one before it! we will get a handful of great minds and competent humans.......and a whole lot of useless fucks.........

    it is the way of the a whole....
    every generation has more useless assholes then it does great minds or simply great people.....

    i think you generation will be just fine........;)

    if you are lucky enuf to learn from a few of our mistakes you may even make out better then us in the end!!!

    i wish you the best of luck!!!!!:smoke:
  3. hmmm... a generation that probably doesn't remember what it was like before lolcats and unfunny memes... to whom the cold war is as old as world war 2 in their minds (ie before your time). hell, i already barely even remember the piece of the cold war i lived through.

    granted i'm not really, really old, but it's hard imagine anything useful coming from a generation of people raised completely during the age of the internet. but as with any group, there are bound to be members that stand out ahead of the rest.
  4. Your generation brings the birth of THE ANTI-CHRIST!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!! lol I'm actually only 23 so I really couldnt tell ya. It seems like the younger generation looks, well alot younger, like they aren't maturing as fast as we did, 18 year olds still look like their 14 where as we had facial hair by the age of 18 lol. Did Peter Pan take yall to neverland or somethin?

    Oh, and being raised on the internet as well. We played outside and interacted with each other, knocked on doors to see if our friend could come out and play. Kids seemed doomed to social failure (as in kids who are around 12 now)
  5. Im 23 but...

    nuff said

  6. Awesome!
  7. We are all going to hell
  8. The sociological study of generations fascinates me, and occupies quite a bit of my leisure time. I've read a lot of papers from guys like Strauss and Howe, and combined with my own experiences on this planet I've come to some conclusions.

    The Baby Boomers (my parents generation) (1945 births to the mid-60's) are the most populous and WORST generation to appear in the US in it's history. Their sheer numbers (check out their population, it's staggering) and their lack of will to retire means that MY generation will probably be skipped when it comes to leadership of the world. I have a lot to say about the boomers, but you didn't ask about them. Suffice to say though, NO other generation can possibly live up to their potential and also their failures.

    The first generation of Boomer's children was my generation, so called "Generation X" because we had no identity early on. Born from the end of the 60's to the end of the 70's we are one of the smallest populated cohorts in the study of generations. We are highly educated and upwardly mobile, however, we hold no real political power and have very little sway in the grand scheme of things because we have been marginalized by both our predecessors and our antecedents, mostly due to bad propaganda perpetrated by those very same boomers in the early 90's. We were labelled as overeducated and lazy, and that's stuck unfortunately.

    The "Millenials" which are the second generation of boomer kids (born in the late 80's - 2000) were overprotected by "blackhawk parents" and overstimulated by the advent of the internet and global communication. They are the first true tech-oriented generation, and while they tend to come together to solve problems, they really have no sense of individuality within their core. As parents they are tending to be less overprotective of their children, but those in their late 20's are also feeling the crunch from the boomers - as jobs are getting more and more difficult to find since Boomers aren't retiring or dying in the same numbers as their predecessors. More millenials have had to move back home with their parents than any other generation in recent years, and are unwilling to cut the apron strings when it comes to responsibility. You can see this in action even on Grass City where 99% of the threads that are "My parents caught me smoking in their house" are written by Millenials.

    So you ask me, how do I view your generation? With disdain and mistrust, just like I view every other generation save for my own and my child's (she's 4, they haven't really come up with much on her generation yet, other than of course the tech issues). I think that with the majority of the millenials being so badly overprotected by their parents that as a group they are unprepared to live life on their own, and thus unprepared to lead the planet. Does that mean that your cohort can't have a productive run as the masters of the world? No, but it does mean that you have a long uphill battle to fight.

    I also tend to think that those millenials who have Gen-X parents will be more prepared for the future and have generally happier lives. By the time that the tail end of the Boomer generation had kids they were so screwed up by the failures of their generation and the sheer numbers involved that instead of learning from the mistakes of the past, they have simply compounded them by alienating their children while at the same time coddling them and creating a class of citizens so completely subservient to their parents that they can get virtually nothing done.
  9. I'm in my mid twenties and I can say that I agree about the impact of over stimulation via the net has had on the younger generation but it's not just them. I feel this impact is far reaching and affects most generation.

    It seems people are more self absorbed and apathetic, taking pictures of themselves and posting them on social networking sites while tweeting their every action and movement. Intelligence agencies world wide have a collective orgasm.

    People have died tweeting shit about their dogs while their driving only to end their own truly meaningless existence in crashes caused by their need to feel more important.

    I love communication technology but there has to be a point where people use it to gain knowledge instead of deluding themselves with false ideas of their importance.
  10. Oh and I hate to say this but Twilight, Justin Bieber and the current Disney Channel favorites are not hallmarks of the Millenials, but rather the current Generation - Generation Z or the I Generation.

    Your cultural identity is more wrapped up in "Harry Potter", "Goosebumps" and the crap that was on TV back in the 90's.

    The Wiki entries on generations are quite well written:

  11. Get outta my head, pretty much word for word for what I'd say.

    Each generation seems to try to "outshock" the previous.
  12. I'm not an older blade, I'm only 19, but I thought I'd go ahead and give my thoughts on the matter.

    Our generation, like a few have already said, is a fucking disgrace. But I'm not going to go into how superficial we are, we already hear enough about that. Instead, I will rant about how fucking stupid we are, using the City as a good example.

    The biggest problem our generation has is that we have no respect. Not for police, not for other people. Hell, we don't even respect our own parents!

    Yes, some of these people don't deserve our respect. Some of them are straight pricks, and I believe that respect is a two-way conduit. But the way many people are coming across on here with their "Fuck Tha Po-Lice", "My Parents Caught Me", "How Not to Get Caught By Parents", and "Got Robbed by A Friend" threads just leave me at a loss as to just how we became so selfish and self-absorbed.

    The police protect our society from murderers, rapists, scam artists, gangs, robbers, car-jackers, etc, etc. Stopping us from enjoying the herb is just part of the job. It's not their fault you're too careless to take some basic precautions. They don't get a choice what laws they get to enforce, they're just there to enforce them. Some will make judgment calls, but most would rather keep their jobs. After all, they've got themselves and their families to look after too, you know.

    Our parents raised us, fed us, gave us an education and tried to raise us to be decent people. So what do many of us do in return? We go ahead and do illegal substances in their homes. And after getting caught, we decide to have both the disrespect and the stupidity to continue doing it in their houses. Go outside, for fuck sakes. It isn't hard, and it's never impossible. I've gone outside to smoke up in -25 Celsius before, it isn't all that bad.

    And to those who steal from friends, go and get some help. Seriously. If you're willing to throw away a friendship for a few grams, or a few bucks, then you've got a real problem.

  13. Especially with how well you respect your parents, it's quite ironic to me that the entitlement your generation seems to end up feeling is probably thanks in large part to parents giving you practically everything you want. At least, that's what it seems like from outside your generation. It seems like it could be that your parents didn't really raise you at all but it's hard to imagine how that leads to a sense of selfishness and entitlement or unwarranted self-importance.
  14. Were all a bunch of assholes.
  15. #15 Santeria420, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2010
    Much thanks to the older and younger blades.

    I 100% fully agree with the entire technology thing. My generation (Generation-Y I believe) is, however, becoming more and more unsocial due to the iternet, video games, etc. And same goes for the respect part, kids are becoming more cocky and arrogant because they can tell someone "Fuck you" from 1,000's of miles away.

    Very interesting stuff. In the midst of the fog it's a little hard to make out what it will become, but from a different view it is much easier.

    Does anyone think my generation will be the generation to see marijuana completely legalized? Maybe even a WWIII or a nuclear war?
  16. /thread
  17. Once the old assholes die off, I think it will be legal. It might have to wait until the slightly younger than old assholes die off too, but it's a pointless restriction and sooner or later society will forget why it exists in the first place and stop enforcing it.

    I did a little bit of basic sociology research thanks to WildWill I think, and it seems that the generations are following a pattern of phases. The youngest generation now will spend their youth in a crisis (the war on terror), but the next phase is a high (golden age if you will) and the phase after that is an awakening of some kind before an unraveling and another crisis. The cycles have been taking between 80-100 years.

    So this makes me feel a little optimistic for a change, in that it is unlikely I will see worse than what's been happening before I die. You might see another major crisis event, but if you do, you will be very old by these predictions. What would come next is decades of improvement if we are comfortable assuming the cycle will continue.

    Generations (book) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    check it out, interesting stuff.
  18. It's hard for me to offer an opinion on current or future generations without indicting the ones that preceded them.
  19. That didn't stop me AK - it's true though, generations are not raised in a vacuum, and the problems that the current two generations face were created, not solely, but for the most part by the Boomers.

    This year the first Boomers started to take Social Security.
    Look at this graph, amazing isn't it? Information Sheet.pdf

    The boomers number about 75 million right now, Gen Xers, less than 25 million. That's a THREE TO ONE ratio. They outstrip resource demand by any other cohort by a vast majority and will continue to do so for the next two to three decades, while the rest of us suffer.

    Does that have an impact on the makeup and capabilities of their antecedents? ABSOLUTELY it does, so AK go for it, indict everyone, because it's all intertwined when you're discussing the generation gap.

    :Like I said, I have a huge problem with boomers.
  20. Whoever posted Justin Bieber is going to hell (cough Mushroom) lmfao that kid ever smokes weed the world will spazz

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