Question For Statists

Discussion in 'Politics' started by yurigadaisukida, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. When the nsa and dhs start locking masses of people up in concentration camps, will you then care?

    Or will you just say "oh theu were dangerous right wing extremists, its for our protection"

    It will happen. The government is pretty open about it.

    The question is will the people justify it. Will we be nazi germany? Or will we grow up?

    Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  2. #2 jay-bird, Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2013
    Right wing extremists? In America? how many? Who?
    Anyway... This is unlikely to happen (although it already happens for foreigners and illegal immigrants) and if it does happen I will concede my defence... and get to the bottom of the problem. Here, I'm gonna make a new thread about some of my newest politcal adventures. Read on if you want righteousness to be intsilled.
    More-so... yes statists should condemn the actions of the state if the state's policies are atrocious. I haven't been hearing of any whole numbers of innocent families and communities being taken away, so I feel fine for now
  3. I was really hoping for concentration camps by now. The government needs to get it's ass in gear.
  4. Its a hypothetical.

    If people did start getting arrested in mass numbers (akin to the jews in germany) would you then realize things are bad?

    Or will you keep drinking the war on terror koolaid?

    If you study history, saying its unlikely to happen is just plain ignorrant. It ALWAYS happens.

    America is displaying all the signs. Why do you think it wont happen again?

    Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  5. Its no joking matter. You will probly see them in your life.

    Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  6. The camps are already's called 'everywhere the U.S. has jurisdiction'.  
    We should all know about the countless people harassed/subjugated/imprisoned/murdered by 'government officials'...not to mention the War on Drugs.  Statists often say, 'Well, it's not as bad as (insert random country), therefore it's okay.'  So I figure however much more oppressive the U.S. camp becomes, the arguments defending them will remain the same.  
    But good try, Yuri, for at least trying to get statists to think. 
  7. #7 yurigadaisukida, Jun 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2013
    [quote name="LDSR" post="18245459" timestamp="1371909333"]The camps are already's called 'everywhere the U.S. has jurisdiction'. We should all know about the countless people harassed/subjugated/imprisoned/murdered by 'government officials'...not to mention the War on Drugs. Statists often say, 'Well, it's not as bad as (insert random country), therefore it's okay.' So I figure however much more oppressive the U.S. camp becomes, the arguments defending them will remain the same. But good try, Yuri, for at least trying to get statists to think.[/quote]That didnt even.occure to me.Our prison state already persecutes as many innocents within outlr borders.I think since we arent putting pot heads in.ovens people think its ok?This promted me to check some statsThough america has more total prisoners then the entire rest of the world combined, only about 100000 are in for life. We also treat our prisoners "well" compaired to say hitler.Shit hasnt hit the fan yetSent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. history repeats itself because motherfuckers never listen.
  9. I find your lack of efficacy disturbing...
    the US may have a very polluted democratic system but it is democratic nonetheless. If you don't like where things are headed than fucking do something about it. 
    Or we could all bitch and moan on GC. Who knows, the government might even listen in! 
  10. Do what exactly? Vote?

    I do something. As an anarchist in a statist world, i realize government will always exist.

    I simply nullify it. The government to me is no different then the mafia. They are thugs with guns.

    Their laws are meaningless to me unless they can enforce them.

    I do what i can

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  11. [​IMG]
    you guys are already nazi germany 2.0 btw, been some time, its done slowly gradually over time to condition us.
    What a cop out. If you dont like, something, change it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and get out of the way. 
  13. Discussing it with others, or complaining as you call it, is a great way to change minds, and changing minds is really all anyone can do. That's definitely more useful than participating in "democracy" by voting or whatever. So how about you shut the fuck up? Thanks.
  14. Unlike you i AM doing something.

    Every time i expose the corrupt two party system ive done more then your silly voting.

    Also i boted for gary johnson. See how well that worked?

    Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  15. You should follow your own advice first.  You obviously aren't going to stop people from "bitching and moaning" on GC, so shut the fuck up and get out of the way.  Or does your philosophy only apply to other people?
  16. So, you're saying you like the current marijuana laws? Because they haven't changed...

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