question for scrog experts

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by whuh, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Im planning on growing a few different strains and was wondering, instead of having a different screen for each plant can I just use one screen made from wood and rope then when I harvest just cut the rope so the different strains arent mixed together?
  2. I'm not sure I follow how you want to set up that rope such that cutting it will separate the plants, but yes you can weave multiple plants into the same screen. Careful, though -- that makes it very hard to move your plants for anything (such as getting runoff out or flushing), and the plants can grow at different rates, filling the screen more quickly or slowly than others.
  3. like when i harvest to get the plants out of the screen ill just cut the rope . will the plants then be separated from each other so that i can tell what bud comes from what plant.?
  4. rope??? sir use chicken wire man way easier and when we did scrogs we used same strains so not sure but you can always just cut 1 at a time to see whats going on w each one
  5. I see, you intend to build the lattice with criss-crossing strands of string/rope. That will work, but you will still have potential issues of keeping the plants separate, if that's what you want.

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