Question for all the Pro-Government People

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HongKongPhooey, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. If it wasn't an official government, it'd be a mobster or gang. People would fight over territory and EITHER WAY, government or not you're gonna have SOMEBODY telling you what to do or who "owns you" or your land or at least has power.

    I'd rather know there's a regulated process to choosing this person, rather than just throwing us out in the wild to fend for ourselves and hope the mobster you don't like comes into power. At least we have somewhat say who rules. We were the idiots who voted trump. Not himself or his goons.
  2. Dude, without the government, I have 0 way of getting healthcare. None. No way. Not affordbly. I work part time and have college full time. Can't get insurance bc parents have none and I'm but 21. How are you giving them more power with health insurance, lol? Seems like paying someone else's bills isn't exactly power to me. If I came up to you and said you're gonna pay everyone's bills, do you consider yourself now in power? I wouldn't.

    Honestly, we probably could make healthcare work without doing much to raising taxes. We have it in our budget. We are just reckless spenders. And bail people out constantly who shouldn't. And just give away free money to corporations who totally don't need it.
  3. so reading back through this I wanted to respond here. I was going to say, that I knew as an employer I had to offer insurance to anyone who worked more than 30 hours. Take a guess at who you can thank for that? Barry Obama of course and the wonderful, ever giving ACA. You also can attribute the rate hikes that make it unaffordable to barry and the ACA as well. These are the real world ramifications of the ACA that no one really talks about right? You got dems acting like its the best thing ever, and republicans, well some, acting like its the worst.
    ACA had some good things, but those "good things" were far outweighed the bad and essentially fucked the country. Wonder IF the CBO score showed this all happening?

    Anyways, the point is, its there. You can get it. My premiums have more than doubled over the past few years and also my deductibles have risen majorly. To the point where its almost unaffordable for me to provide my family with health care. With the deductibles being so high it doesn't matter. Your gonna get stuck with 5k plus worth of medical bills and then 20% thereafter. Its all a scam and it really did fuck all of us, including some in your position. Its important to not only understand there is a problem, but understand what got us there. So that way its not repeated, ever again.

    You should have access, and your parents should have as well. I won't pretend to know anything about your family or how they ended up without insurance, its none of any of ours business. But, the important thing is you do have just say you can't afford it. thats a lot different than not having any access at all.
  4. #24 Sublime, Aug 5, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
    That's like saying "There is food in your city, you have access to it, but you just can't afford it." Well fantastic, what good does that do? Having access to and having the ability to realistically get it are two entirely different things. The starving can have access to food, but without a way to buy it/get it, what good is access?
  5. You have the right to the access of healthcare. You do not have a right to healthcare itself. You do not have a right to other people's money and labor. Healthcare is not a right; it's a privilege.
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  6. When someone is "paying your bills" they have control over you. They can dictate everything about your healthcare because they are the middle man between you and the insurance companies. Giving the government control over our healthcare is dangerous. It takes away from our autonomy as patients and reduces our choices as well as the quality of care we recieve. Once you make something artificially "more affordable" you're going to end up with a product of lesser quality.

    You don't need to look any further than the VA to see how quality of care is extremely important.
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  7. well? what would you like me to say here? Twistedd has it 1000% correct, healthcare is a privledge, not a right. Obviously thats the crux of the debate, but realistically you shouldn't want that kind of government control over you. Just look at the charlie gard case from a few weeks ago. I agree with you that healthcare should be more affordable. I agree 100% and I long for the days of 8 years ago where I could afford insurance much easier.
    I understand you are in a tough situation, but also know that there are waivers now that carry you on your parents until your 22 or 23 I think? Obviously you said your parents don't have insurance but there are 2 different ways you have access right there. And realistically, if your healthy and haven't needed it then go you! I wish I didn't need it, like car insurance. I don't need that shit at all.
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  8. If government control means having a better system than we do now, I'm all for it. What's the alternative anyway? Corporate control?
  9. Heavily defended huts that sometimes manage to barter with their neighbors. Just like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne did.
  10. Is 1000% correct supposed to be ten times more than totally correct? Why isn't he 1,000,000% correct? Twistedd is 1000 times less correct than a guy who is a 1,000,000% correct. Maybe you should learn what numbers mean before asserting your views on healthcare as meaningful.
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  11. Well society has made it one - so deal with it.
  12. It doesn't make it a right. It isn't a right and I'm not going to deal with it. Society didn't do shit, government did.
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  13. Society determines what government in this country does. You lose. You should learn what words mean.
  14. Why can't these losers learn, only us privileged get healthcare! Deal with it losers!
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  15. Why don't young healthy people who "don't need healthcare" take more responsibility for not getting a cerebral hemorrhage?
  16. #36 Sublime, Aug 6, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    It should at least be more affordable
  17. I am far from privileged and I have health insurance.
  18. No it doesn't. The right is access to. Healthcare is a privilege and commodity. It's like the right to peruse happiness, the right is the pursuit. Society doesn't determine rights at best the supreme court and judicial branch interprets it.

    Your smug little funny bombs are cute.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Then why did you say that healthcare is a privilege?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. #40 Sublime, Aug 6, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    Some of these countries have done it for quite some time now.

    Yet we spend the most on it


    I do see 100% what you're saying, but I think we'll have to agree to disagree.
    • Informative Informative x 1

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