Hi, I am planning on making my first purchase from grasscity and since I work about an hour away from my house, I am generally not home when the mail arrives. My question is will I need to go home early to sign for the package or will the post carrier just leave it on the doorstep. I have never ordered glass online so I don't know what the regulations are. I am in the U.S. Thank you if you have an answer and I posted here because I thought it was the most relevant area.
Are you aware of the reasoning behind this? Is it due to the fact that "tobacco" paraphernalia isn't to be sold to minors. Or is it another reason in which case my 17 year old son could sign for it?
Not trying to be rude and all, but it doesn't sound like you are 18. But anyway... Why don't you go pick it up at the post office after work?
I'm not 18, I'm 41 and it was a very simple question, will it need to be signed for by an adult or no? I'm not getting aggravated, I just need to know so I can take advantage of this sale. And yes I suppose I could pick it up at the post office but I'd rather just have it delivered with my mail.
Alright. Sorry about the accusing and all. Don't quote me on this, but I believe if it is delivered in the mail (Not ups/fed ex/ect), you don't have to sign off for it. Just in my experience I have never had to.
yes you have to sign for it. if nobody's at home, the mailman leaves a card in your mailbox that you have to sign and bring down to the post office to get your package. if you don't do that, they just try to re-deliver it the next day, and you'll have to be there to sign for it. if nobody is home, or nobody picks up the package after 3 days, they send it back. and no, you can't sign for it if you're 17. at least 5 underage kids come on here every month or so and ask if their "16 year old brother" or otherwise (17 year old son in this case) can sign for their package. you're not fooling anyone, bro. I myself am only 18 and have known how the post office works for a long time, and I have a really hard time believing someone who is 41 and has a family doesn't.
if u get a small piece it might just come in ur mail box as far as i remember everything ive gotten that fits in the mail box i recieve in the mail box. items i get that are bigger just get left at the door, i dont have to sign /EDIT!! ive never recieved glass online. im just reffering to other things (scales n shoes)
I'm sorry you feel that way, I have never ordered an "adults only" product over the internet before. There is a lot of hostility on this website towards underage people and I really think if you would tone down the paranoia this would be a much more comfortable and relaxed place. I don't feel the need to prove to you that I'm 41 because honestly, I've been 18 and I know how it is to always be right no matter how wrong what I'm saying is. I'm smart enough to nip this in the bud and just stop you where you are because I don't like where this is going and I have no problem with you or anybody else here for that matter. It was a very simple question and I have received a lot of paranoid, undeserved attention. Regarding minors being on this site, although it may be a rule of the site, there is no determining factor that makes 18 year old people more mature than 17 year old people, live and let live.
Yeah i notice how the regulars on here are too. Kind of dickish. When i ordered from gc it was left on my doorstep, maybe the same will be for you.
I ordered a mini bong last year from GC and whoever delivered it (can't remember if it was USPS or UPS) just left it on my porch, no sig required
Okay I lied about nipping it in the bud, I'm going to respond because you are beyond what I had originally anticipated in terms of stupidity. It really is people like you that make the internet a nightmare. You pinpoint two sentences i typed out trying to explain that you need to calm down Mr. Internet Police Man. You don't know me and you have no reason to be talking to me on this thread either where you have nothing constructive to add and you are putting out false accusations saying that I'm a minor. That's not the worst of it, I can deal with some immature 18 year old trying to tell me I'm a child, I can't deal with the fact that you try to tell me that because I believe that maturity is more important than age I am a child, when really, I say this because my 17 year old displays a whole lot more maturity than you. Goes to show you that some people just grow up faster than others.
its just like any other thing coming in the mail. if the sender requires a signature well then you have to sign. if not they will leave it. the shipping service doesn't know whats inside.
^i answered your question. i'm just pointing out that you're very very obviously not 18. and you're not. i'm not calling you a child, i'm calling you 17 and unable to be on this site. P.S. - use the search function. it's there for a reason.
Dude whats wrong with you? Have you no decency or respect? I think you should probably leave it alone, some random post that you wont leave alone because you believe hes a minor.. Well he says hes 41, we dont know him personally do we? Hm no we dont, so therfore you have no right to accuse, for all we know your 17 buster. Yup gotcha, now your caught! .......... MINOR MINOR!!! **WEEEEEWOOOWEEEEEOOOO** Yeaaa isnt very fun is it? Rather pathetic actually. Trusting someone is like not knowing how to swim and letting them dunk you ANYWAY. Stop holding his head under, let the man be.
be prepared to wait months or forever to get your shit. and have fun communicating with the customer 'service' when you try to sort it out. grass city shop is a joke
Wow...Funny how things can go south in a new york minute, huh? Funny in a sad sort of way. First, to answer the OP's question, which I found by heading to the shop and checking out their FAQ: I'm betting those that didn't need a signature had this method of shipping. Notice the "you have to sign for delivery". Not available to the USA. Grasscity.com support :: What shipping methods are available? If you will notice, those that seem to be doing the age police thing in this thread are members that have registered within the last month, hardly regulars. How about all you folks that are so damn good about figuring out age from the way somebody types, give it a rest? It's really not your job to call someone out based on your opinion of their age unless they specifically state they are underage for the site. When they do state they are underage, report the post and staff will deal with it. Now having said that: It has nothing to do with maturity. It has to do with the fact that the owner of these forums and the shop possibly facing legal difficulties because of the combination of minors and the products he sells. Minors are not allowed on this board for that reason, no matter how "mature" they are.