Question about NEEM Oil

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Harry Balzonya, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Hey GC,I've been using Neem Oil all summer with Good results. Two questions though, it doesnt seem to slow down large grass hoppers. They seem to munch right through it. And second,how close to harvest of the buds can I apply it without getting a bitter taste?

  2. You can use regular Neem up until the last 3 weeks or so, but if you switch out to a mix like Green Light Neem you can go up until the last 10-14 days.

    Do you do a foliar spray in between Neem doses? I do a rotation that includes light dose sprays of Kelp, to keep the Neem from clogging the leaves stomata.

    Sorry, I have no clue what to do about the grasshoppers.
  3. Catch the hoppers, remove the hind legs, place in alum. foin with a little butter and salt, cook on high for a while, and eat em!! Good stuff Maynard!!

  4. #4 Harry Balzonya, Sep 10, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2008

    Hey thanks Duck Head,no I dont Foilar Spray. But I'm using Green light Neem concentrate. 1 Tb per gallon of warm water, with just a drop of dish soap to keep it diluted. Do you think it'll be ok to use up to the last two weeks?? Thanks
  5. hiigel, what about a little Tabasco? :D

  6. I keep up my Neem regime until 2 weeks out with out any problems.

    Good luck and I hope your ladies treat you well !!!

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