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Question about early flowering

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Mjw2121, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. hey guys quick question.My plant is about 5 weeks into veg and because of bad timing,I have to hurry.
    My question is, if I switch my plant into flowering tommorrow will I still get a decent yield?I understand it won't be as much but how big of a difference does it truly make?
  2. Pics please. No one can tell you your yield either.
  3. I switched mine to flower early at about 6 to 8 weeks. It was about 18 inches tall at the time. That was 3 weeks ago. Now it's taking off like a rocket! It's close to 30 inches now. It grew 2 inches just yesterday. [​IMG][​IMG]
    No complaints here
  4. Awesome!Ill try and upload pics later this evening.Thanks for the response

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