question about carrots, onions, collard and bean

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by hope2toke, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. hi i put together a shopping cart for some veggies and wondering if someone would recommend these or another variety of each plant type from nichols online. they are %20 off until tueday night and corn too except i dont want to attract racoons... thanx
    [​IMG] Enlarge image

    Carrot Scarlet Nantes
    . Price: $1.45
    . Item amount: \t\t\t\t 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
    . Options:
    Select: Pkt 2.5 gm $1.45

    . Total: $1.45 [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Bean Derby Bush

    [​IMG] Enlarge image

    Bean Derby Bush
    . Price: $4.25
    . Item amount: \t\t\t\t 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
    . Options:
    Select: 0.25 lb. $4.25

    . Total: $4.25 [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Collards Morris Heading

    [​IMG] Enlarge image

    Collards Morris Heading
    . Price: $1.55
    . Item amount: \t\t\t\t 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
    . Options:
    Select: Pkt. 4 gm. $1.55

    . Total: $1.55 [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Onion Evergreen Hardy White Bunching

    [​IMG] Enlarge image

    Onion Evergreen Hardy White Bunching
    . Price: $4.25
    . Item amount: \t\t\t\t 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
    . Options:
    Select: 1/2 oz. $4.25

    . Total: $4.25 [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Any variety of carrot will be better than the store bought packages. If you have deep rich soil the longer varieties work well. If the soil profile is shallow and hard packed the shorter varieties work better. All will produce sweeter carrots than the commercial products.

  3. thanks PW I was wondering about that. any take on the onion?
  4. I actually dont have problems with racoons when it comes to corn. Here in my garden, it's the squirrels that always go after my corn.
    But I live in a pretty developed suburb so it can be that the racoons here are lazy and only go after all the trash around lol

  5. The bunching onions, or scallions, are for growing green onions that do not form bulbs. If you want the cooking onions plant onion sets (bulbs). Again you will find the flavor much better than store bought produce.

  6. if your lookin for bulbed onions check out the pearl varieties, you dont have to over winter them
  7. I also plant my bulb onions in the fall for the next summer. I learned last year with purple onions you will get really small onions if you don't. I am sure not all varieties are like this but if you have a short summer season like I do plant alot to get alot or plant for next summer.

    Also the onions you have pictured I grow along with bulb onions they are tasty! Good luck and hope to see you around this summer.

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