question about benzo's, advice needed

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by davis44, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. #1 davis44, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    ok.. so im thinking about going to university next year to move forward with my life and take a step in a positive direction, get involved in something that can take me somehwere etc... but i have this completely irrational fear of public speaking, to the point where i cant even do it in front of a small group, i used to be really good at it but it seems i have become more conscious of it... would a benzo, valium or xanax relieve my fear of public speaking and if so to what extent?

    btw.. i would not abuse them, i know the dangers of addiction with those things, its completely legit... i mean thats wat there for right?

    also, all the courses i am interested in require large presentations (30 minutes sometimes) to quite large numbers of people quite frequently

  2. If you feel the need to try and convince PANDORAS that you aren't going to abuse them, well, what does that say.

    Yes they would probably help you, and you might be able to get a script from your doctor if you get panic attacks, but its hard to say. Its not really hard to find xanny dealers so just look around and give those a shot if you want. Do them at your own risk, and research research research!
  3. They will help, but your nerves can still overcome them at doses that won't make you look like your drunk.

    I'd tell you about how you should learn to stay calm and not just use a drug to keep you calm but if I had a public speaking event you bet your ass i'd atleast take .5 or 1mg

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