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quarter pound?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by dcsmoking3125, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. hey guys, so i been picking up these real nice mids here in nj for $140 an oz. I am about to go back to my old college (wvu) and was thinking of hooking up some friends... how much should i expect to pay for a qp based on the $140 also i talked to my guy and he said hes buying it at $100 a oz so....
  2. I'de probably say high 400s
  3. edit, my bad.

    140 x 8 = 1180.

    id say 900?
  4. There's only 16 ounces in a pound bro.

    To OP I'd say you'd pay around 480-520 for a QP if you're good with your dealer.
  5. Lol, my bad i thought he wanted to buy a half lb. meaning 4 ozs haha.:hello:
  6. #6 abnormldood, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    ...What? A 1/2 lb is 8 oz, a 1/4 lb is 4 oz, get your math straight or sober up man lol. Math says $560, try to talk him to $525 if you can, that's at a 6.25% discount(Sounds fair). No offense but NJ is crazy man, mids are $80-$100 over here just about anywhere you go.
  7. That is what I pick up a oz for and when i get qp's it is 500.

  8. Damn, you high.
  9. thanks for all the help guys he told me $500 flat so i think im in a good range... thanks though first time buying at such a quantity just making sure

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