Hello, this is my first post here on grasscity. Ive been reading through the articles on "purple drank" on this website and, im sorry to say, but i dont find any of them to be fully correct. Purple drank is nothing more than a Phenergan/ methylmorphine (Promethazine/ Codeine) syrup (which is used to treat cough and other upper respiratory symptoms caused by allergies or the common cold) mixed with any fruity soda and 1 - 2 jolly ranchers (because they dissolve fairly quickly from the carbonation of the soda). THAT, my friends, is the classic recipe for the famed 'sizzurp'. No more, dont let misinformed people fool you into doing something stupid. While i definitely dont frown uppon the addition of hard alcohol (in fact i personally prefer it), crushed Percs or (my personal favorite, some straight Oxy) in sizzurp, I just want to let all the people here in this forum who are inexperienced in the art of lean what they should try just the basics FIRST, before they go on to increasing their intoxication level. Also, just to warn you (not to say that youre all ignorant or anything), but viccies have 500mg of acetaminophen in EACH PILL (which is alot), and Percs have 350 in each (which is not too low a dose either). Booze + acetaminophen reacts in your stomach to (literally)make an acid. It makes for a BAAAAD stomach ache at best, if not puking all over yourself (personal experience). So IF you want to put Vics or Percs in your drank more power to ya, but remember, codeine is an opiate as well, so dont underestimate the stuff. Its said to be a 'weak opioid', but trust me, it doesnt lack the power to get you effed up, if you know what i mean. Again, im not preaching to you to not do this concoction drug (its freakin awesome!) but i AM preaching to you to be careful, take it one step at a time, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (from an experienced drug user) dont rush youself into anything you dont feel comfortable with. I hope this helps future leeners to be safe. Please PM me if you have anything youd like to talk to me personally about. _cypress
Im sorry, i was only trying to keep people from doing something life-threatening. I looked all over the web and couldnt fine anything that seemed to be accurate. You are right, i didnt specifically search this site, i googled it and nothing came up so i figured it wasnt covered anywhere. sorry for my ignorance