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pure thc

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Rainy Daze, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. would a bucket of pure thc just be really thick and syrupy?
  2. Actually i watched a video and pure THC makes you have an unpleasant experience. You need the cannabinoids to make it better.
  3. Every smoked spice? Yeah... imagine that x100.
  4. i had a gram of pure thc one time. it got me so fucked up. bad paranoia tho
  5. #5 Rainy Daze, Nov 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2011
    im just wondering what it would look like not the effects. nope never smoked spice fuck that shit.
  6. You didn't have a gram of pure thc, but there are certainly concentrates that come relatively close and have little other compounds in it
  7. If I had a bucket of thc, I would lather myself with it and get baked as it absorbed into my skin. Then I would probably roll face.
  8. haha that would be cool if you could have weed lotion and rub it on yur skin and get fucked up off it lmao
  9. is a bucket of keif pure THC?

    also, whats more potent? kief or hash

  10. kief = hash
  11. if I had a bucket of pure thc I'd try and OD, one of my life goals is to be the first person to OD on thc :D but I plan to do that in my 80's
  12. when i die i hope to be high as fuck also
  13. [quote name='"LochnessToker"']

    You didn't have a gram of pure thc, but there are certainly concentrates that come relatively close and have little other compounds in it[/quote]

    Read cannabis alchemy . There's a recipie to isolate pure thc . Apearently it's a colorless scentless liquid. And you need laboratory equipment and a sparkles exsaust system to make it. Not to mention the solvent needed is impossible to get probly
  14. :confused_2:


    I went to google and typed "Pure THC"

  15. thats not pure thc
  16. Never claimed it to be. Just said what I did. I'm pretty sure it's straight up impossible to get 100% THC extract. If you find a way, let me know!

    I imagine it would look pretty similar, though :confused_2:
  17. [quote name='"Virtue 7"']Never claimed it to be. Just said what I did. I'm pretty sure it's straight up impossible to get 100% THC extract. If you find a way, let me know!

    I imagine it would look pretty similar, though :confused_2:[/quote]

    If your that smartand have the right tools I think it's possible . After all how are the other lab synthesis done ?
  18. I think it would look like a giant vagina dripping with resin
  19. that would be gross
  20. I don't know what you're referring to but I'm well aware of lab extractions as well as DIY, it's not pure thc. It can come quite close, though.

    But nobody is doing extractions in a lab, the closest to that is people doing hexane extractions with little machines that vaporize the product and then isolate the compounds from the vapor.

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