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Pupils are big?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zion Train, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Sup guys just wondering if anyone else gets big pupils after smoking weed? i try to smoke less while around people so it's not such a big give away that I'm high but my pupils go big and it just looks like I'm doing other drugs.
  2. sometimes, if it's really dank and most likely sativa dominant strain
  3. Dilated pupils and drug intoxication... It's kind of; common knowledge.
  4. Common knowledge? lol marijuana is supposed to constrict your pupils.. thats what i thought anyway.
  5. never have i seen anyones pupils get big off of cannabis, not saying it cant happen but i haven't come across it yet.

    pictures or it didn't happen :smoke:
  6. My eyes are always so close to being closed that even if I did have dilated pupils you wouldn't be able to see them.
  7. I've smoked many times with many people in my day and I've never seen anyones pupils dilate from just pot. Acid yes, pot no.
  8. You sure not not drink alittle to much cough syrup.:cool: ahhaha but thats weird man, never seen that happened to someone from cannabis, but eye I know people who have never need eye drops, but if i take one hit, my eyes will get red probably.
  9. I think OP is thinking of a different drug.:)
  10. OP is right, marijuana can cause dilated pupils.

    It's not that smoking weed will make your pupils large, but your eyes aren't able to adjust to changes in light as quickly. If you're high and in a relatively dark room, then go into a brightly lit room, your pupils will be far too large and allow more light to enter the eye than a sober person.

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