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Puffin solo or w/ buddies

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TenMac, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. I like both, usually I like to smoke with the opposite sex more just because I can have more fun. :laughing:
  2. I love to smoke with the opposite sex too, alone is fine with me but I love going to social events high because have a touch of the social anxiety which is poofed away when I puff.
  3. I rarely smoke by myself. I consider smoking a social activity. There are times when I'll light up by myself, but they are rare and only when I want to sit and think and I have a lot of time on my hands, which doesn't happen often.

    I would say that smoking in a group is better because,

    a. you have more fun around other people when you're high (depending on the type of person, but I'd say most people have more fun with others sharing their high)
    b. looking at crazy youtube video's or listening to music with others to appreciate it is much better
    c. you probably won't be paying for ALL the weed, and on occasion you can get smoked out by a friend
    d. I get LESS paranoid around other people, especially my close friends. I feel safer or something

    As for smoking by yourself

    a. I find that I can think very clearly when alone, when I'm with a group of people I can concentrate and think as deeply as when having conversations with others whilst high
    b. I smoked on my deck which overlooks the ocean, and the sound of the trees moving and the waves breaking and birds calling was just amazing! Surely with a bunch of other people you would be distracted from enjoying nature as much as when you're outside and high by yourself
  4. I am for sure a solo smoker.

    When i do smoke w/ friends I try not to get too blitzed

    When i smoke a lot w/ friends i tend to over think everything. I get very concerned that i am making huge social mistakes. When people say stuff it feels like it takes me forever to comprehend what they have said and to formulate a response. By the time I have a suitable retort the conversation has moved on to a completely different topic. However I do enjoy one on one smoking sessions. I think this is because I don't have to consider how numerous people will respond to any comment i have to make.

    When I smoke alone I think it allows me to focus on myself and let my thought wander to wherever they may take me. When I am by myself i don't have to worry about what others will think. (I'm a kind of insecure person if you hadn't guessed already) I suppose it just enables me to be free of the social pressures that I feel all the time.

    To me, and I know many here will disagree with me, weed is not much of a party "drug." Don't get me wrong just about any video game w/ friends and some weed is very enjoyable. But a social party while high, especially with people i don't know too well, is not my cup of tea.

    Sorry this got so long, just finished off my stash for the night and my thought kinda strayed.

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