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Puff Puff Pass

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by G-Sus, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. The other day I was smoking with some friends and one of them didn't like the fact we take our precious little time with the joint. So it got me thinking that I've never really agreed with people who enforce the puff puff pass law some people have in their groups.

    I just mean weed is for sharing and having a good time. People shouldn't stress about how much it burns between tokes. Plus, I like taking my time a bit but don't worry, I am going to pass it. And for those to who this is worth of something I throw in almost always.

    I guess what I'm just trying to say is chill out and smoke :smoking::smoking::smoking:
  2. what about the kid that sits there and smokes half your joint without contributing?
  3. A better rule than puff puff pass is ping pong. Don't know if anyone here uses that as their circle method as my group does?

  4. Ahhh that must be a UK thing man, my buddy who's originally from England taught us it. I love it, waay better then puff puff. I'm not sure if you play it the same way we do. but we go



  5. I think that relaxed kind of mentality comes with age and experience. Newer smokers, and younger smokers with less money really tend to count the seconds and tokes of the others in the circle. Which they have every right to do. Money and weed can be difficult to come by sometimes, and they want to make sure they are getting their share.

    Older, more experienced tokers tend to relax a bit more. We have higher paying jobs, more freedom to smoke and what not. My circle for example, at least the guys I regularly toke with, is a great example of this.
    After it's gone around once, I could give a shit about how long you camp on the bowl. Finish it off if you want, we'll load up another and pass it again. No hurry, no worry. We're all gonna end up high and happy in the end.

    Weed is for sharing.
  6. Your fuckin up the rotation, puff puff give. You can get killed with somebody
  7. #7 ShatterWulf, Feb 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2010
    I go for a puff puff pass personally; you can take the two hits if you want two, one if that's your thing; but don't hog it. Whenever I roll a joint/blunt, it's about sharing the bud.
  8. with the group of buddies i smoke with, we just past it in one direction till it goes around then it will be just a puff puff pass, but then there is one guy who shows up and smokes like half the bowl of my own herb that i packed before it goes around and he wont even offer to repack the bowl after smoking half of it, then he gets up and leaves and doesnt bother saying thanks for the smoke or any of that shit.
  9. When i smoke blunts its usually like 4 hits is max you can take then pass. If someone calls dueces then respect the rule. And the person who rolled it or through down the most money usually sparks it.
  10. The only ones who should be able to enforce puff puff pass, are the ones rolling doobs and packing bowls. If you're sitting there dry... it'd be best you puff puff passed and don't bitch if you're not a close friend of mine or have the rep you show up dry to smoke.

    If everyone is sitting there with a bag of weed... why does it matter? It's only taking you half the amount of weed to get high anyways.

    That's my view on it.
  11. I like to sleep on it a little and relax, but I like to keep it moving too. Just hitting it 5 or 6 times on a joint or blunt and passing it casually. However I have been in circles where people will sit on it talking and holding it for 10 minutes before they pass, it and its half gone by the time it gets to your end of the rotation, so i can see this both ways.
  12. Always puff puff pass it makes it even for every one who pitched up to get the same amount of hits.

  13. Every group of friend has a signature mooch. I'm afraid ours is the worst....used to think he was entitled to get down on every bowl/blunt. Sometimes he would spark blunts he didn't even throw down on...i hate that kid
  14. I pipe up and tell him puff puff pass by the 3rd toke if he ain't holding.

  15. Can you explain this Ping Pong rule? Throughly!
  16. Your with a group of friends and you're all puffing on a joint. The first guy takes his two hits, and says "ping". Now, the first guy to respond with "pong" in the circle gets to take the next toke. Now this sounds easy on paper (and while your sober) but trust me, you start to get a little forgetful. There's a variation of words you can use, such as "bing" "bong", "ting" "tong", etc.. It's just you have to reply with the same prefix they used, and be the first guy to say it.

    It's actually quite fun, at least I think so anyway.
  17. #17 Mx2, Feb 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2010
    With my friends we don't really get pissed or upset if someone takes too many hits, they'll usually just say "pass it" if they think you're taking too much. Usually when sparking a spliff or blunt with a group the roller/owner of the weed will say "two toke pass" "three toke pass" "one toke marathon", etc. so no one is surprised or takes more than they should. As for the order of rotation, we go by roller's rights, unless the owner of the bud says other wise. It usually goes, roller, owner of the bud, if someone else pitched, they're next, from there it's just whatever circle we end up getting in. We usually don't really care because we know we're all gunna get tokes and get high

  18. You can also play word association ping pong where the person holding the joint will say any word and the first to say a word associated with it gets the pass.

    ping pong is by far the best way to toke as it means those in the circle thoroughly monged wont have the mental capacity to get a word in :p Likewise those in the circle who aren't as high will get in quicker and everyone will end up on the same level.
  19. I've never heard of "Ping Pong," im going to use that next time lol. We do something similar though, usually greens says "Bob" and the first to reply "Marley" gets dueces and that determines direction of rotation.
  20. I'll take as many rips from my bowl or blunt if I want if my friends arent contributing. Sometimes if I'm packing headies and just smoking kids up I'm not real tight with I'll smoke half the thing then pass it. I also do that to people who grill my bowl. I fuckin hate when people incinerate the entire greens.

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