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publix saliva test

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by missing631, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Hi- i took the test 2 days after taking a few hits, not a regular smoker at all, i maybe smoked 3x in the past year- figures i get the call the next day for interview!
    i was so worried about that, now i think thats ok bc it was about 60 hrs before the test but i used listerine about 25 min before test....will that show up as possitive? i did rinse w water after and had a tic tac...really need this job!
  2. are they for sure going to test you? a lot of places will drug test you but only if they suspect you of smoking.. which isnt hard to cover up just dont go to work high or anything.
  3. pre-employment screening is fairly common. Once you pass the initial testing, you are usually good to go. However, the larger the company, the more important the title, the more likely there will be standardized or random testing performed.

    Best of luck. Publix is a great company to work for, they usually take care of their own...
  4. Um... He already has taken the test. He just wants to know that if he used Listerine 25 minutes before the test 60 hours after taking a few tokes after smoking only 3 x's this past year if he'll be alright. Why are you all talking about "if" he has the test or asking if he's sure?
  5. ya i already took the test, just nervous about the listerine....
    they said theyd call and let me know so i can go to orientation. havent heard yet but ill let you know when i find out. thanks
  6. if it was a swab, listerine won't bother it. Listerine only affect breathalyzers. You should be fine, a swab only goes out 24-48 hrs.
  7. ^^^ yea the swab test is ususally more like a "were you high for or around the inverview" kinda game.... you could pass that shit a few days after pounding a half ounce down. My friend took one of 4/21 after we all smoked way more than enough to fail it the day after, than he passed, were convined it was the dry mouth so nothing even hit the swab lol
  8. Salvia is the weirdest shit on earth.
  9. ^^ its a salIVa test lol, not salvia
  10. Most orientations are weekly, if you don't get a call after a week, they might've passed you or something is up.

  11. Salvia's my shit, its just as natural as weed if not more natural
  12. i passed! after all that worrying, ty for input!
  13. I've got an interview with Publix tomorrow at 2 PM. I've been clean for a god damn 2 month period. However, I'm wondering if I can get away with smoking chronicly despite random drug testing? And if so, how?

    I hear so long as you just don't let it touch the sides of the mouth, or the "gums", and / or hold some water in your mouth to soak it, you can pass this shit having smoked the night before?
  14. hey i had a mouth swab done on friday for publix as well. I don't smoke but my fiance does and I am stressed that by me kissing him it might cause me to fail... And he said i start tuesday if the results come back ok... its monday now and i havent recieved a call yet... How long did it take for you to get your results back? Did they call you or did you call them to check up?

  15. they only test u if u come in high as fuck or give them reason to believe you smoke

  16. Hahaha, thats pretty funny but no. I can smoke a blunt 2 days before a test and still pass it. As long as you don't smoke or hang out ALL the time with people (especially not stay in a car hotboxed) you'll pass any tests. Kissing him means shit.

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