
Discussion in 'General' started by Ibelurkin hehe, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. Does this sound like PTSD to you guys or just severe anxiety, I grew up in a bad neighborhood so most of my friends are ghetto, so they made lots enemies growing up. Then shit got real when I was kicking it with them and was shot at twice on different occasion, but luckily none of those rounds hit me. Ever since then im always hyper-vigilant, if i see a person running toward me I'll tense up and my fight or flight kick in then my heart will start pumping super fast, and when a car roll up really slow or slow in general ill get really nervous and i get cold chills.
  2. I don't think it's PTSD bro. You're just looking out for yourself like any other person who's been in similar situations would. Trust me man, when someone sees someone running towards them or a car slows down they freak out as well even though they might not have been through something like you.

    Personally, I haven't had something like that happened to me, but I'm always paying attention to my surroundings wherever I'm at lol you're good bro :D
  3. It could be PTSD. It's not usual to go into sympathetic mode just because you see someone running towards you.
  4. Like newguy i doubt it is ptsd, many of out elders fought in ww2 my gramps included. they were in constant fear of being shot or bombed any many didn't develop ptsd. however it is natural to react like you do after being shot at a few times.
  5. No not ptsd, it's much more severe. Sounds more like situational anxiety due to a bad experience. PTSD usually involves night terrors, obssessive thoughts, constant worry, break downs when presented with that situation again, etc.

    If you are having a little anxiety go talk to a counselor and let em know what happened. You don't have to keep seeing them if it doesn't help you at all which is fine. You might get some good advice though. Do NOT see a psychiatrist first as they will probably throw you on SSRI anti depressants or some anti anxiety like benzo's
  6. Say what its much more severe??
  7. Ya PTSD is usually alot worse than a little situational anxiety. I mean irrational fear of the event happening again, thinking about it all the time, dreaming about it, it effecting your mood. Sounds like you just have some left over anxiety from a bad situation and need to work it out.

    Btw i have social anxiety disorder and partial agoraphobia so i have felt it first hand.
  8. No not ptsd, youre just aware and ready.. Thats a good thing to have growin up like you did.. Survival instincts. Now if you start trippin out in your house shakin and feelin closed in then it might be somethin more serious

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