To Keep Them Medium Low And Bushy?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by onkruid, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. So I have a friend that needs advice on keeping  his garden around 4 to 5 plants  roughly 4 foot tall?
    any advice would be much appreciated.
    happy toking... :smoke:  

  2. #2 GoldGrower, Aug 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2014
    TTT, LST, and ScrOG being the main forms of training
    "Topping The Tips" involves pinching out the main shoot and allowing the side branches to become the leaders. Topping those doubles them up, and topping the tips again doubles them once more. This bushes them out with very little effort .
    "Low Stress Training" involves bending the main branch over and tying it down so the side shoots become the leaders. These too can be bent over and tied creating a pretty even canopy.
    "Screen Of Green" utilises a mesh screen that you keep all growth under while vegging. Once the underside is full you switch to flower and let all the tips come up through the screen at the same time creating a very large, thick, and even canopy.
  3. dude... yo speaking in letters...
    what does that mean?
  4. Ohhh...ok now I get it.
    this friend can't do screen of green doesn't have the space, time, blah blah blah
    like I'm saying he can do 4-5 plants max and needs to keep them around 4 ft. and bushy but can't do ScrOG
    so TTT is what I'm shooting for?
  5. Topping is certainly less labour intensive. Nice and easy way to bush them out to fill the area 
    Why not some Low Stress Training? You could keep the plants nice & low.
  7. I'm a novice when it comes to growing and he's working off his own research and my limited knowledge.  So I don't know what "low stress training" is?
    And for granny....hard liquor really?  That's a cool theory I will pass on the link.
  8. #10 GoldGrower, Aug 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2014
    Low Stress Training was explained in the first reply on this thread
  9. got it....thanks

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