pruned and wilting immediately

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by newgrowpoppa87, May 29, 2019.

  1. ok so this is my first time growing myself and after I pruned my jet fuel of her broken and messed up leaves, (she's an outside gal) it started dropping and I'm scared I'm gna loose her plz help!! also she is anywhere from 4-7 weeks old closer to 7 if I remember correct. my memory isn't great right now due to brain cancer and treatments.

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  2. hey buddy welcome to GC id transplant her into a bigger pot :)
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  3. thanks, I'm trying to keep her small only hoping for a oz or 2 is that possible with a pot this size
  4. +1 on the pot. Wait and see what it looks like in the morning after a couple hours of sun. Plants often look a bit different during the dark cycle
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  5. Will she bounce back from the dropping I came back outside and it scared the neck out of me
  6. awesome thanks, I just want to keep her small and get a zone or two I kind of want to be discreet which won't happen since it's starting to smell wonderful already
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  7. yes 100 percent cannabis plants are extremely resiliant and one would have to really want to kill it to do so they grow just as weeds do they really are tough plants :)
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  8. awesome thank you so much for the advice and the piece of mind!! I can sleep good tonight now whew
  9. anytime buddy :)
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  10. Add Perl
    Stop overwatering

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    @Dry Sift Box and The Clamshell
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  11. I think I will just keep scrolling! I don't know where to start critiquing

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  12. dude it's my first time, just keep scrolling, even better, why even reply
  13. I'm sorry the coffee can kills me! At least a plastic one. I'm thinking it may affect ur plant. Not too sure but metal can be toxic?? Anyways u got to start somewhere. We all did. Going to be hard to get her out to transplant ur plant! The rim is going to be ruff! Plastic u could cut!! Well there is a lot of great threads here! If u decide u like farming, u can learn it all here

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  14. i can see an olive branch there somewhere op i and allot of other growers on here will tell you papa puff would not of meant any harm or direct insult to you as a grower or anything else sometimes his posts dont make full sense but he is a great guy i would stick to a plan of potting up to a more suitable container with good drainage holes fabric pots are fantastic value for money and provides your medium more oxygen than plastic tubs good luck buddy grow happy :)
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  15. I don't take the time to proofread my posts! Ty though

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  16. I'd get out some tin snips cut that rim off and repot into a 2gal fabric pot if you want to keep her small. That tin can is terrible for her health a $3 pot will change its life

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