Proof there is no "God"

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by hitmang11, May 10, 2004.

  1. That's just retarded.

    By that definition of time, it would still exist without earths rotation.
  2. To anyone who said that you can't prove whether God exists or not so its really pointless to argue about it - Thank you. Unfortunately, people don't tend to take this answer as an answer because they want to definitavely (sp?) know something that no one really knows or will ever know for that matter.

    There's so much "evidence" proving and disproving God's existance but it really is an issue of faith. And anyone.. literally anyone can go anywhere to find proof both for and against the existance of an almighty God presence.. but that doesn't mean that it's credible.. or that it's actually "evidence" at all.

    First off.. God may or may not be the Meaning of life. Even hypothetically speaking.. we don't know. And for the record.. we don't even know that life has to have a "meaning". If so.. what's a meaning? To give life purpose? What if life serves no purpose at all? What if Life doesn't have a meaning? So what? And what is your definition of Almighty? That God has power over everything? What if God doesn't have power over everything? If he just had power over.. us.. doesn't that make him the Almighty compared to us? Or does God even need to be labeled as Almighty to still be God? You're asking questions based on Human terms and standards that either we as people assume about a Godly presence or we assume that the standards that the Christian Bible set for God are for and must be adhered to by a Godly presence.. but who said that God had to be the God from the Christian Bible? Why isn't he Budda? (I don't know :p) Why can't he be someone else? Why cant he not even be? What exactly is a state of being? Does he really need to be in touch with people to be? ..Not really..

    Like I've heard it said before: If it doesn't come in contact with a human being.. we don't know shit about it. If its not seen by someone, if its not heard by someone.. so on and so fourth. Everything that we know as humans came from one of our five senses.. and that's all the outlook on "life" that we really have. If God is almighty and above us.. who said that anything we know about him or everything.. this whole universe isn't skewed by our View as Limited Human beings? Our eyes cant see all light, our ears cant hear all sound, our noses cant smell all smells and so fourth.. so who is any one of us to judge the standards by which a God must be to be God?

    I'd go on.. but I'd just be repeating myself and why do that? Besides, God made weed and Man made Beer.. and I know who I trust ;)


  3. that is very true. You cant truely proove one or disproove the other, deal with it.
  4. Please refrain from using false thread titles offering "proof," when none is to be found inside.
  5. What if you don't believe in anything. What if nothing really does happen when you die, and you become...nothing. Think. You're nothing - Not even a brick in the wall or dust in the wind. nothing. How do you think of yourself? Do you think of yourself as space or air? But you can't. because space and air are something - you are nothing.
    What if life is just a delusion, a dream. There is no god and no explanations of why we are here except for the ones we make up. The bible is just another story told around the campfire - its only there to scare you from doing actions which it labels evil.
    Maybe you die you finally wake up and start a new life again, but then what.
  6. Why must humanity set a course toward providing the "actual truth" to one another? Is it not enough to live life according to the beliefs of one's self from the beginning of conceptual existance? Sadly, there is no room for individual growth in this field. This thread is proof of this concept, and subcontious necessity; this misfortune unto which we are born.
  7. Disgustipated, is the state of "nothing" not "something"? By human definition, one would certainly think so in all technicality. But this is the trouble. Why must we bother with this contemplation, when we know all we say is no more than theory or hypothosis; a hypothetical belief personified by individuals under humanity. Just accept that we DO NOT KNOW. We have NO IDEA, at this point. We may never. Just live as you see most beneficial to you at this time and year in accordance to whatever, if anything, you recieve and the stimulae of your mind in descision. Trust yourself. Have faith in yourself. You need not anyone else. You are born as and individual of unique strengths, and qualities. You are to live as such. I am of no position to suggest this is your predestined purpose, but it is the only method of undeniable existance in our time.

  8. As we strive towards figuring out things like evolution and where we came from we use what we learn to advance medical treatment. That is a big part that makes it worth it.
  9. stop stressin bout it bro just chill back in life and u will find out what happens after:hippie:
  10. I also believe that I am God. None of you would exist if not for me. How do I know? When I'm dead none of you will occupy my consciousness, therefore, you do not exist. The world, the cosmos, reality; all things perceived by our senses. When our senses cease to perceive such things, they cease to exist. When I'm dead I will have no proof that any of you will continue living.
  11. Yeah if god was real wouldn't he have left more signs that he made earth, instead of soem book these peopel wrote?
  12. ughhh... so many threads on the same thing, tossed in the air by athiests and christian fundamentalists, will one mind ever be changed? i doubt it. read the threads started by with_his_author on the subjects, you'll also get some good views from both sides.
  13. thats my most recent view on the subject. though it may be wrong- whatever
  14. i can tell you that i am indeed god


    if i had one that is:p

  15. and the US Government.

    A country that says Area 51 doesn't exist can probably do whatever it wants and control who ever they want to.

  16. But if God is higher than us, and if I were a part of God, wouldn't I feel different than I do now, wouldn't I feel higher than I do now? Just wondering.

    And let's move on to what? Aren't we forever changing, so won't we change or evolve into something new, maybe even past our physical laws? I guess we can move on past the debate of if "God" exists or not. But we can't just forget about it if its in all of us, and its our "mission" to once again be re-united with God/in God or whatever.

    All religions are almost the same if you think about it, they just all have different names of the almighty creator. So maybe the stories are watered down. Who knows. I couldn't even come close to know how those stories were made, and why they were made about an almighty "God". But maybe throughout mankind, we were always looking for some kinda proof of existance, so we would always have something to fall back on. Everytime we get down/sad/hopeless we needed a reason for that. Hmmm , I don't know. I just like to rant and see what comes out. You know what Digit, we should move on lol. I just feel like I ran in circles in me head! ;)

    All we need to do is live. :)
  17. God is a security blanket, real or not. if it wasnt for the notion of God many humans would struggle daily to find a purpose for their life and cause for humane behavior. whether god, or any other diety is real or not is a crapshoot, but its purpose is to give purpose to meaningless lives

  18. heh.. well said :D
  19. This shit is fucked up..So say there is no god where the fuck do we go do we just disapear?:(
  20. "I have run the course of many rebirths, seeking the builder of the dwelling. The endlessness of rebirth is a poignant thing. But now, builder, I have found you out and you shall not build this house again. Your rafters are broken, your ridge-pole shattered. My thoughts are stilled, my desires snuffed out."

    Who's to say.. That's a question for the ages..

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