Proof that God is dead.

Discussion in 'General' started by B4k3Dg00ds, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Yeah, I saw a commercial for that on TV today. Don't really dig that CGI.
  2. Is George Lucas really backing that bull shit animated wanabe remake?

    Sad, sad day....

    It could be good ya know... just sayin. Don't judge the book by its cover.. unless it's playboy.
  4. There are a ton of great CGI movies. Just because you are narrow minded doesn't mean this can't be good.
  5. Wow, whine some more. Remember when people were disgusted by the Wii controller? Or when people thought an Iron Man movie was a terrible idea?

    Don't fear the change my friend.
  6. EXACTLY. Rep++ the Wii is a perfect example bro.
  7. Very true. We'll just have to see when it comes out. Though I seriously doubt it will do any justice for the original Star Wars.
  8. The opposite of love isnt hate, its apathy. If they didnt care, they wouldnt bitch. The people complaining will be the first ones in line to see it.
  9. the clone wars animated series has been around for a long time. what are you guys talking about. and im not even a star wars fan.
  10. well it was a mini series on cartoon network but never an in depth story like this.

    could be very cool, its not a remake either its about the sweet time between the third and fourth movies when the empire takes over the republic. im pumped it could turn out to be very good with lucas' approval
  11. yo George Lucas and fucking Speildberg need to lay off man, The 1st trilogy was fucking brilliant and the newer 3 were alright but they seem obsessed to make sure every generation has seen star wars when it really doesnt matter so fuck that shit I wont be seeing it
  12. Just wondering why IGN would be the emblem in the bottom. Seems to me that its a preview to a video game.

  13. IGN covers movies too bro
  14. O Dear God.

    I actually went to the StarWars website.

    Death to many, this will cause.
    Revoltion of the Nerds, Indeed.
  15. Why is everyone suddenly so surprised about CGI? Episodes 1-3 were probably about 75% green-screen CGI... basically everything but the human characters and their costumes. So this is really the next (il)logical step.... cut the actors out completely. I have to admit though, The Clone Wars just looks like a video game.

    There's also a TV show in the works that will be set some time between Episode 3 and Episode 4. Not cartoon CGI though... it's actually gonna have real actors. Supposedly none of the major characters will appear other than in brief cameos. The plot will revolve around the rise of the Galactic Empire... some Jedi being hunted down and such. Since it's between the prequels and sequels, I wonder if Lucas will choose to use less CGI and more conventional sets and effects to "bridge the gap" through the cinematography.
  16. Precisely. If they would of went with more realistic looking CGI, I don't think anyone would be angered.

    That shit looks HD XBOX 1-esque.

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