Project: Results

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Budwisesir, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. #1 Budwisesir, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2009
    So, people who have favorite colors usually base their reasoning on what their favorite thing in life is, or the eye color you like the most in the opposite mate, or your mood feeling. If you have other, please explain your reasoning. I didn't put a poll option for mood, so just put that in favorite.
  2. I chose other because I think its largely subconscious.

    But the other two would work for me as well. My favorite color was blue when I was younger, probably influenced by it being a "boy" color, and my eye color. Now my favorite color is green, probably because I love nature and especially dank nuggets.
  3. aaron has worded my answer perfectly for me.
  4. #4 ckbudde, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2009
    I am in agreement with aaron and will expanding. I am a ver complicated person. I don't have a single favorite color. I have more of a top 5. I like brown, green, blue, purple and white. Even then I do enjoy other colors. It is hard for me to create a single favorite for any category including music as my mood changes and different artists/genres provide different listening environments. When I'm mad some reek daddy/andre nickatina or any violent music is good. Sad or indifferent some techno/beatles/redhotchilipeppers When I'm happy...scratch that NAS is good at any time.

    To end it all colors, genres, tastes, smells and experiences as a whole are appropriate and may appear as our "favorite" at any given time depending on mood, environment, etc. I could continue and expand this post, further complicating things.
  5. I don't get it

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