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Discussion in 'General' started by the lego man, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. How much should I expect to pay for a good 1/8 or 1/4 of shrooms? I expect to be taking some on 420 for the first time:hello:Also, shrooms can only be tested for by the testers testing your shit, right? I just REALLY don't wanna get caught with shrooms or on shrooms. And how much different is the trip on shrooms compared to cid? I've taken cid quite a few times over the past few years. All info is welcom. Thanks all.
  2. sorry if this is a bad post, I need to get under the influence of something fast...haven't been stoned or anything in over a month, actually closer to two. it makes me sad.
  3. around my areas, expect to pay anywhere from $20-35 for an 1/8 depending on who you buy from
  4. ouch dude, youre doing your first time on shrooms "just to be under the influence of something fast"? might wanna rethink it.

    dont pay for than 40 for a 8th.

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