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Prices in Your Area?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Aeternus, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. I was talking to a friend of mine about prices because I'd like to leave my hometown next week with some product in tow and he was listing them off. First he said a quarter was 100, which is what I'm probably going to pick up before I get out of here, but then he said three eighths was 180. I figured that was reasonable until he told me a half was 190.

    Do you think the prices here are messed up? That just doesn't make sense to me. That's a full eighth for 10 bucks.
  2. Either (A) your friend is wrong
    Or (B) his drug dealer is retarded

  3. Abolutly. Thats fucking retared. Noboby who is actually selling his own shit operates like that. I think your friend has a middle man too....

    but dont let that stop you from checking out and taking advantage if this deal is right.

    Edit: im my area, 30 an 1/8th mids, 60 heads
  4. 3 bucks a gram
  5. around 20 a gram
  6. 8-15/gram depending on the dispensary.

    10/gram on the street, 35/eighth.
  7. #7 Decimotox, Jul 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2012
    I've got street prices in MN... my guy does 60/eighth, 110/quarter, 180/half, 320/oz.

    Gets better as you buy more. Sadly, I have other connects, but their prices are basically the same. My guy lives 5 blocks from me, so it's real convenient :smoke: :)

    P.S. This is for dank, of course.
  8. There are literally hundreds of these threads...

    Small town in IL prices:

    1100 / qp
    320-350 / zip
    180-200 / half
    90-100 / quarter
    50-60 / eighth

    240 / qp
    60-100 / zip
  9. Prices for beasters/no name dank in my area (northeast US):

    $15 - gram
    $45 - eighth
    $90 - quarter
    $150 - half
    $280 - oz

    For name brand strains, its a little pricier:

    $20 - gram
    $60 - eighth
    $110 - quarter
    $180 - half
    $340 - oz

    It sounds like your friend is either wrong or his dealer is retarded, as other people have stated.
  10. Here's a generalized list (varies based on source/strain)

    $10-15: gram
    $50-60: 1/8
    $100-110: 1/4
    $180-200: 1/2
    $350-400: zip

    $10: gram
    $30-40: 1/8
    $70: 1/4
    $140-150: 1/2
    $250-300: zip

    Only bought a bag-o-shwag once, through a friend's guy when i first moved here. Payed 50, weighed about 8 and a half grams.
  11. Who the fuck buys 3 eights

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