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Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Bud420, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. I was wondering when you get a MMJ card does it come with like a prescription from the doctor saying how many times a day you should take the medicine or a reccomendation on what type wuld be best for you?
  2. Negative - not at all. Your doctor may give you oral information on dosing, but it's not a prescription whatsoever, it's a recommendation only.
  3. How dissapointing..I think it would be thought of more of a medicine if there was actually a dosage or treatment for each illness..not just something that says here now you can smoke legally.
  4. There are plenty of people who can tell you what you should smoke, how often and how much. Certain clubs will even provide this service. Just ask around.
  5. True. But don't you think it should come from the actual doctor?
  6. Cannabis works differently for each individual. You are responsible for figuring out the proper amount for your needs. This is one of the problems the general populace comes across with cannabis; you can't pigeon hole it!
    Thus, you receive a recommendation, not a "prescription."
  7. self medicate, gives the power back to the people
  8. There is no reason for there to be restrictions on your usage. A fatal overdose of cannabis is impossible- unlike most pain killers. The worst that happens to you if you over-indulge is either a mad case of the munchies, or you fall asleep with NO hangover when you wake. Limits on prescription drugs are to protect you from hurting yourself. It is simply not necessary with cannabis! :D

    Granny :wave:

  9. Ideally yes, and someday that'll be the doctors answer to everything, "Take a .5 of purple kush before you go to bed mr.johnson." But the thing is that the doctors a lot of people are getting there cards from know nothing about weed. At least not the specifics.

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