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Prebuilt Grow Box??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Darth Vadar 420, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. I have been looking around for a while for a pre-built grow boxe. But, most of them seem pretty small, and really expensive for what you get.

    But I did find one company that actually has some really cool grow boxes, and I was wondering if anyone had used one before?

    I would really like to read a review before I buy. The web site is The medium one looks hella nice...
  2. Dude, how many forums are you going to post this in? If you don't work for the company, you should.
  3. Hey man.
    I do not have any first hand experience with those but, I can tell you this: I have seen those before and they look pretty good. You can probably construct one of those yourself at a fraction of the cost (I did not even see the price on the site). However, for someone like me who is not at all handy and handicapped, I would definitely buy one of those if I needed it. I would say if you are handy at building shit, have the time and patients to do so, then do that. On the other hand, if you have the money for it, can pay cash for it and it won't break the bank, then you should go for it.
  4. ive seen some nice prebuilt grow boxes.. check out great stuff but a grow box is so damn expensive.. i think it would be best just to make one yourself.. in the end you would save so much money.
  5. You can get some plywood and build one for a lot less. Get a light off of ebay, home deopt for lumber, i bet you could do it for less than 1/2 the *00 bucks they are charging for that econo box.l
    it only comes with a 175 watt hps. do it yourself with at least a 400 watt light. The remore control is nice, the timer is nice, the power strip is nice, not enough light for 6 plants though

    just my $.02

  6. You can get some plywood and build one for a lot less. Get a light off of ebay, home depot for lumber, i bet you could do it for less than 1/2 the 800 bucks and change they are charging for that econo box.l
    it only comes with a 175 watt hps. do it yourself with at least a 400 watt light. The remote control is nice, the timer is nice, the power strip is nice, not enough light for 6 plants though

    just my $.02

  7. $875 for the one in the first link i could make you better for a lot cheaper about 40% of that. save your money and look around
  8. Wow.
    $875. Like I said, I did not notice any of the prices. They probbly hid them so you don't shit-a-brick right off the bat. I wonder if you can opt to have them omit some stuff like the CO2 crap. That might cut the cost down a bit.
  9. I really consider price to be secondary to performance. I got the Medium which was $2875, and wasn't cheap by a long shot. But it did arrive in about a week after placing the order, and I moved my ladies right in. So far they are loving it. I didn't feel like building one myself. I am a computer programmer, and don't know shit about using tools.
  10. When you say computer programmer you mean advertiser for homegrown hydroponics right? Maybe i'm crazy?

    Anyways... Post some pics asap!!!
  11. Sounds Like a Cop to me ....

    Thats My $.02
  12. some pics plz darth vader 420?? IF THAT IS UR REAL NAME o_O :devious: :devious: .....................:smoking:
  13. How lame. I post my experience w/ a product I like and get flamed. I mean really, what's the point?! Do I need to say something negative to be beleived? No i'm not a cop, and no I don't work for them. I just bought the damn thing, tried it, and said I liked it. Take it or leave it, I really don't care. I make enough $$$ to buy the things I want, and didn't feel like building the fucking thing myself. I guess that means i'm a cop! Great; Real mature guys...
  14. Advertisers for homegrown hydroponics do make some good money enough $$$ to buy a prebuilt growbox but then again cops make some good money too..... . ahaha post some pics up i wanna see that thing in action!!:hello: :hello:
  15. Stick to normal homegrowing as this costs quite alot of money to do,al though saying that if u have the money then go for it my freind ,up 2 u .enjoy:bongin::D:wave:
  16. cops dont make shit. 40,000 a year........ i built that same box for 5 bills. and thats including my 400watt hps.

  17. What do you think of this in action?

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