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Pre Flowers In Veg/should I Flower

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by that420guy, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Is it normal to get prre flowers in veg. This is a clone it already had pre flowers.i vegged for 40 days. Now its got new pre flowers like 3 or 4 white hairs in each spot.

    Should i flower this. Its 14inch tall INDICA with about 11 tops/main colla.

    Would i get a decent yield(for me would be over an ounce). Or should i keep it in veg until its a little bigger i have clones of it that should be rooted soon so i won't lose the strain. 1370131709978.jpg 1370131742850.jpg 1370131754071.jpg 1370131766910.jpg

    Ill be back in an hour or so
    I'm going to where the pretty flowers grow

  2. #2 that420guy, Jun 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2013
    FFOF soil
    FF nutes
    430 watt T5HO For flower

    Ill be back in an hour or so
    I'm going to where the pretty flowers grow
  3. Does it look stretchy

    Ill be back in an hour or so
    I'm going to where the pretty flowers grow

  4. #4 JaNicPin, Jun 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013

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