Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by JohnnyBGreen, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. #1 JohnnyBGreen, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    :wub: Spirit of Christ manifest
    Yea truly He is the best
    Leave behind doctrine and judgement
    Welcome to something beyond duality - Christ-consciousness
    This is the Kingdom of Heaven
    LIGht :wave: I greet you
    Love :wub: I see you
    YES, GOD needs you whether you accept it or not, you cannot escape Him
    Nothing can separate you from God; not thought, feeling, food or deed
    LOVE is an supreme ecstatic force
    Open yourself; undergo psychological DEATH, LOL
    Yea, clear your mind and allow Chirst to control the RIDE
    "Ride" - your entire being. You are spiritual beings beyond measure and more valuable than the HIGHEST GRADE
    "There's no high like the MOSt High" - truth
    Embrace your destiny - seek ye first the KINGDOM of GOD and all else will be added to you
    Within, within fellow beings, WITHIN! The Christ vibration flows freely through - just accept
    If you don't think about your 'problems' it can't hurt you!! There's something more than analytical analysis :bongin: 
    Trancend religions doctrine. Follow the INNER GUIDANCE AVAILABLE TO ALL
    Spirit, inebriate, elevate, alleviate and BREAK the illusion - YES
    do you experience FREEDOM? or are you always worrying about what other people is thinking? LOL, my brother, my sister, forget that :poke: LOVE is the supreme all-encompassing force
    May this FOrce be with you
    Always feeling judged - you judge yourself. God doesn't condemn. It isn't other people judging you, it's YOU. What a;; this discussion about how much we should smoke, how we should dress, walk, talk and react??
    The guidance is IN and THROUGH and AROUND you - don't look to other people for the answer, look within. Free your enslaved minds. :yay:
    :yummy:  :ey:  :hello:
    Loving dinosaurs

  2. Thanks god for making me feel warm and fuzzy. Your awesome. Hopefully you get better soon.
    Its not your fault were human it ours. 
    Sincerly yours 
  3. Woohoo go god!!! :hello:  :hippie:  :smoke:  :confused:  :confused_2:  :yay:  :metal:  :hide:  :cry:  :love:  :gc_rocks:  :mad:  :yummy:  :bolt:
  4. what do u mean undergo psycological death? u mean ego death?how did u achieve this? substances?Sent from my iPhone.
  5. #5 Boats And Hoes, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Thinking about and meditating on the UNAPPARENT unity of reality. Who would of thought that all organic life stems from a single source? Those who believe in the One God would, and did. Moreover, the eye sees division, but, is that really the case? I'm sure those slave-masters back in the day wouldn't believe that there make-up is no different than the make-up of slaves they beat and disparage... I mean, you know what they say, appearances can be deceiving; and yet, most love to be subjected to beguile. Inotherwords, division is what you see and believe, but what you see and believe may not be how it really is.
  6. Praise which god?  How do you know you are praising the right one, or that there is anything up there to praise at all?
  7. [quote name="RippedMonk" post="19399363" timestamp="1390594385"]Praise which god? How do you know you are praising the right one, or that there is anything up there to praise at all?[/quote]why question someones beliefs? OP has a better idea of god than you do.. your still part of the percentage of people that believe god is "up there"Sent from my iPhone.
    Why not question them?  The Title of the thread is "Praise God" I'm asking which one and why he thinks his is the only one or that there are any at all. 
    And I'm not part of any percentage that believe there is any god "up there." 
  9. #10 Boats And Hoes, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Does a given tree sprout from 2 seeds, 3 seeds, 4 seeds, or, one seed?
    Terrible analogy considering much life on this planet comes from more than one creator, like all of us on this forum.
    Why don't you believe in a universal energy from which all things take form?
  12. #13 Boats And Hoes, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    If it was such a terrible why didn't you even attempt to answer it...? Because it doesn't suit your agenda and prejudices.
    "Terrible analogy considering much life on this planet comes from more than one creator" -- And yet, the whole universe started from a single point of mass.
    "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?" -- How could a desert nomad living in the 6th century know of such a thing? Lucky guess?
  13. #14 RippedMonk, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    Why answer a pointless analogy?  It was weak, and I showed you why.
    Leading theory is that it all started from a single point of mass, but that doesn't equate to the discussion of only one god and you know this.  OP is talking about a deity not a singularity.  Nice try in spinning this discussion your way.
    Are you claiming he had some kind of inside knowledge?  Prove it. 
    Keep yourself where you want to be, and see what it is that you want to see... your free to believe whatever it is you like.
    "Are you claiming he had some kind of inside knowledge?  Prove it." -- You want tangibly empirical proof, right? :rolleyes:
    Pointless to you, definitely not for any other. Each person creates their own meaning for a thing. Weak, because you couldn't find a point.
    Something more than your opinions and assumptions at least.
  17. #19 Boats And Hoes, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Okay, if you say that it's just my assumption or opinion that a desert nomad (pbuh) was imparted with divine knowledge... please, tell me, how is it possible for a man of the 6th century to assert that all living things consist of water, and, also, in the same breath, to assert that the heavens and the earth were once a single entity that eventually came to be what they are now, i.e., split asunder? Again, I ask, do you believe such a statement was purely a lucky guess? Either way... the point is, it's all a belief, a choice.
    Yes, absolutely it is an opinion or assumption that a desert nomad had some kind of divine knowledge.  As is it's an opinion and/or assumption that there is such a thing as divine knowledge.  Any semi-intelligent  person could conclude that all living things consist of water.  That's a no brainer.  We can observe from daily life that water is necessary for life to exist.  Ancient peoples were ignorant but not necessarily stupid.  On the heavens and earth being one....many attempted great philosophical assertions.  Some were correct, some were not.  Neither of these in any way gives the average person adequate evidence to assume this desert nomad had "divine knowledge." 
    By the way, a belief is NOT a choice.  You know belief comes from conviction and has nothing to do with choice. 

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