powdery mildew

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by RM112781, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. hi everyone
    just had a question about my plant its el nino and i have started to see PM on the bottom leaves and its not to bad my question is
    What would be good to use? she is into week 4 /day 28 flowering if i use a baking soda spray will that stop it and will it effect taste or anything at this stage of flowering?

    Thanks RM
  2. too bad man, you're pretty much fucked. I woudl recommend a spray if you werent that far into flower. you can buy this stuff called "mildew cure", its a white milky looking spray. i would just get some on a cloth and try to treat the infected areas.
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  3. even tho it hasnt spead to any upper part and its really only speratic spots on lower branches theres no way to stop or even slow it?
  4. You should be fine with a powdery mildew spray they sell at they hydro store. Don't use it at full strength. Use 25% strength mildew spray 75%water. Only spray the infected leaves. You should be good. Hit it fast.
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  5. This thread hasn't had response since 2010, but it's dealing with my issue, so I'll see if anyone reads it...I have some good looking ladies into 5th/6th week and all my veg plants and clones in one room separated by a curtain. Have seen a few faint traces of WPM that I've plucked or wiped clean, none noticeable on buds. My partner thinks we should finish flowering, then pitch all the rest, tho the next gen is looking great, too, with just a couple trace spots so far. I'm wanting to continue and manage/treat unless it gets out of hand. Got some good strains going, don't want to start from scratch, but I will as a last resort. Will improved humidity control and cleanliness get the best of this or are we doomed to do a complete restart???
  6. I beat pm by doing a sulphur burn followed by a very solid weekly spraying of neem oil.
  7. If it's really bad the flowering plants are screwed but you can save the rest.
  8. Beware though the sulphur burn smells for days.....
  9. Thanks, I'll look into that...so far, no sign on buds, just a few pretty faint patches of grey on fan leaves.

  10. If you have neem oil just spray the patchs...it will slow it down
  11. any thoughts on applying neem on the roots??? Seeing as it's sposta be systemic, will neem eradicated the infestation, or not? Also, watering with neem oil is only for vegging plants, correct? Or can it be done during flower as well?
  12. Ok, harvest time and some is clean of WPM, but much of the lower stuff has moderate WPM, most can be trimmed off. My question is do I toss these lowers that I've cleaned, or are they good for smoking, or at least extracting??? Got a big pile of bud that is slightly infected...I know we've all smoked bud that has some of this in the past, and for myself, I'm not askaird of no trace of WPM in my smoke(hey, it's torched, right?) but I wouldn't want to pass it off unless it was cool to do so...

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