Posting in the wrong Forum Categories

Discussion in 'General' started by ddd3, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. When I want to post a nice thread (which I do because I like coming up with ideas) I always feel like I'm posting in the wrong sub-forum sections.

    So does it really matter? Where I post my own posts? Will I get banned or ranked down if something I post isn't in the right category? lol I just get paranoid... sometimes when I smoke so yeah.

  2. As long as you're actually reading the forum descriptions and trying your best to post it in the correct forum, you probably won't encounter any problems. Worst case scenario, your thread gets deleted and you have to remake it in the right forum.

    Pretty sure the only way anyone would even start getting in trouble for that is if they were purposefully and knowingly posting in incorrect forums after already being informed otherwise.

    For the record, questions like this are best placed in the Forum Help section. :smoking:

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