Post your Screenshots

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Burrito Wizard, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. Some games are so beautiful you just want to stop and take a picture. If you have any screenshots you've taken and want to share here's the place to do it. Please include the name of the game too!
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  2. I'll kick things off with some from my modded skyrim special edition that inspired this idea in the first place.

    skyrim 1.jpg skyrim 2.jpg skyrim 3.jpg
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  3. Red dead 2

    The Forest

    Shadow of Mordor
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  4. Gorgeous. I love everything but imo the sky crosses into Thomas Kincade territory. I think I'd opt for something more natural. Otherwise it's stunning imo. Do you know if these are 4k textures?
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  5. I believe the texture is noble skyrim which is 2k (I have a bunch of mods so it's kinda hard to keep track of what's overwriting what). I'm playing at 1080p on a 1080 screen tho. And yeah I did have it more natural before which I liked too so I get what u mean. Appreciate the compliment.
  6. 458.jpg

    My fav car in the game so far. I instantly fell in love with the 458 first time I saw one. The lighting in this game is so close to real life it's insane and there's no ray tracing.
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  7. me too
    I also wish to see it outside the game because I'm addicted to it
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  8. Styling is pretty much perfect. RWD, high revving NA V8, plenty of power but not overkill. Definitely a modern classic.
  9. Watch dogs legion on Xbox Series S looks so good :love-m3j::love-mj2: 22910214-04f3-4cdd-ae92-e8d893aa96f1.jpg
  10. Metro Exodus is dope
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  11. Still love this game though.

  12. Some of my fav I've taken in RDR2

    dead.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
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  13. Dope thread idea. Here's one from my current Skyrim playthrough, just testing to see if I can upload this from my xbox, I'll post more later
    6851195b-9f74-49d2-a541-18a36113fd84 2.png
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  14. Thanks man. I love taking pics in games especially when they have a camera built in and you can go crazy with it. Skyrim is always a beauty
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I was playing shadow warrior 2 and found this awesome trailer park boys easter egg screen_0000.png
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  16. That's my PvP squad in Minecraft! KNIGHTS up for FIGHTS :watching:
  17. Screenshot_20211111-182315.jpg
    Look at her butt .:jump:
    Good morning!
  18. Still love this thread. For some reason I can't post pics on this site anymore. I'll try to get it fixed tomorrow, I have a bunch of cool shots from the new Zelda game
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